Thursday, March 5, 2009

i heart DIY

Ever since I started working abroad, I've been getting interested in a lot of DIY projects. Especially when its fashion related. I've bought a few pieces of clothes, mostly tops, dresses and blazers, some new and some pre-owned, and changed them up to suit the idea of how I want them to look in my head. Some turn out great, beyond what I envisioned. Others, namely gray levis jeans project, can turn out to be completely dreadful. I am no super streamsess but as long as my stitches don't fray/splay and the material holds up, I consider the alterations a success.

My DIY bug isn't just limited to altering clothes alone. I like to experiment with homemade beauty tips such as the baking soda face scrub, an egg white firming concoction and a moisturizing honey oats mask. Basically, I'm not afraid to use myself as a guinea pig. I've tried putting toothpaste on zits (don't think it works in my case), whitening the whites of my eyes with a lemon juice and water mixture (don't think this was a winner either) and using olive oil as a hair mask (i think it's supposed to make hair shiny).

Another thing I like to DIY is give myself a haircut. For the past 2 years and counting, my hair has not been touched by a hairdresser. I have not walked into a hair salon in that long. Instead, I routinely give my hair a cut once a year, usually in June. However, yesterday, as I was watching 90210 (yea, I watch the show.....but mainly for the clothes, honest to God, it's the truth!), and the Adriana character had these cute bangs which I fell in love with. I usually keep my fringe as long as the rest of my hair but of late have been interested in cutting them eye level. And in a fit of inspiration (of which there have been many of late and not all of 'em successful), during a commercial break, I got my scissors and hacked off my fringe to just below my eyes.

The verdict: Well, I have to say I did a bang-up job! C'mon, you had to see that one coming. I did my level (hehehe) best. It's pretty much straight but sometimes I get the impression it looks as if I have a mullet :P Yet still in a cute way, if I do say so myself.....and I do :D (I always subscribe to the notion that in life one needs compliments and if no one else is there to give you one, well then, take it upon yourself to talk yourself up! And that's how I know I'm a narcissist :D)

Anyway, I guess my DIY tendencies stem from my curiosity. And the internet and google feed into this habit. Half of the stuff I've done is because I used google to find the answers to questions I have on things like whitening the whites of your eyes and how to ensure firm breasts :D What do you like to DIY?