Sunday, January 24, 2010

who loves a raise?

I DO! Yes, the company PA period has come and gone. I'm happy to announce, loud and proud, that I received a 15.++% increment and my 13 month bonus. So, WOOHOO!

This year's PA came to pass a lil late. We did it sometime in the third week of January 2010. Usually it's done in December but this year, too many things were going on for the bosses to make it up (and down, depending on which country they're in) to this lovely land where I work. Plus, we had to have our 2010 Kickoff meeting first where our respective teams had to do presentations of our analysis of the 2009 working year as well as some additional task as assigned by Management. The added bonus of the meeting being held at a beachside resort was completely fun, capital F. Though it did get us thinking about why "The Company" enjoys taking us close to the ocean and then making us stay indoors doing powerpoint presentations and boring the hell outta each other. I caught one boss napping through parts of my presentation :P Nonetheless, I'm glad to say that that passed with flying colours as well. And we did manage to jump into the hotel pool for a bit. At 3 AM in the morning. Margaritas and Pina Coladas, albeit non-alcoholic ones in my case, were involved.

This year's PA was absolutely pain free for me. It lasted less than 10 minutes where my bosses and moi just practically agreed on all points of my PA. For our targets this year, well, aside from acquiring new projects, the bosses are making it mandatory for moi and two other colleagues to get this industry certification. God, at this (relatively still young) age, my brain's kinda mushy and totally not in study mode. There's about 8 tests to take and that's a whole bunch of reading. I have till the end of 2010 to complete 'em all so I really got to get started soon. My first course of action? Buying myself a notebook. As in a paper notebook. I can't seem to find inspiration from just reading the material from the online tutorials. To make sure I successfully pass the rather expensive exams which will be paid for by "The Company", I need to get my study mojo back on. Thus, doing it old skool.

Asides for the certification, all else is A-okay. Thus the wonderful and completely unexpected larger-than-what-I-thought-I'd-get bump in salary is, to quote Tony The Tiger of Kellogs Frosties fame, GRRRRRRRREAT! And I sure do need the extra dosh cos I've got quite a bad Kindle habit to support now. Damn you, Amazon and your Kindle digital content that is TOO easily accessible!