Monday, November 23, 2009

it's that time of the year again

No. I'm not talking about company performance appraisals although my form is supposed to be submitted by the 30th of this month. I'm talking about that wonderful time of online Christmas holiday deals!

And I made my first purchase of the season. My Europe trip is over and though I am a lil bit in debt (to my sis, not the banks), I am no longer on my self-imposed book ban so I am treating myself to this great deal from my favoured online book e-tailer, Barnes and Noble!

Four. Read that...FOUR gorgeous leatherbound classics for the absolute deal price of $53.95! I love books! I love deals! I love leather! I love bookstores that give me great deals on leatherbound books!

I'll be getting a lil bit of Lewis Carroll's Alice, some gruesome tales from the Brothers Grimm, beautiful stories by Hans Christian Andersen and the epic adventures in C. S. Lewis's immortal prose revolving around Narnia.

I can't wait to get this round of books. I guess I'm in that phase where I'm becoming a collector aside from just reading the books. I love how these books look on book shelves, they lend an air of....seriousness. Ok, I don't know if I have a thing about being taken seriously but my real intent is to own these classics that I read when I was young. The stories that developed and fueled my love of the written word. I'm the last of my generation who grew up on these stories. My nephew and nieces are in that time where they are learning to read about Dora the Explorer, Bob The Builder and Ben 10. They'd rather see the movie than read the words that inspired the celluloid version. They basically have no interest in the fairy tales of yore.

So I thought I'd buy myself these classics as a keepsake for myself.....and I hope for my nephew and nieces to get the chance to read one day.