Friday, July 29, 2011

with age comes.....

A whole new appreciation for older men?

Hehehe, I dunno, after my post on The Deadliest Catch last month and my admitting to finding Sig Hansen and Andy Hillstrand rather fetching (:D), I suddenly just went bonkers and found myself downloading the entire DC series from season 1 up to whatever was current. And I just spent my free time just watching episodes from various seasons.

It was the only thing that I found I wanted to do. Like I mentioned in the earlier post, I was going through some tough personal times and I basically lost interest in everything that I normally enjoy doing like shopping, reading books, watching my TV shows and whatnot. Some days, I'd end up just lying in bed and just staring at the ceiling. I just didn't want to do anything that I would usually do. I have weeks and weeks of TV shows languishing on my hard drive. The only thing that I was interested in watching was Deadliest Catch.

In retrospect, my issues stemmed from work. I was going through a crisis of faith of sorts - as in trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing working so far away from my family and seemingly not being able to make any inroads with the local clients that I work with. After nearly 5 years of being here and every year facing the same communication problems that should no longer be happening, I just found myself thinking that I've just had enough and that I must either be doing something wrong or not doing something that is causing me to have to deal with these issues year in and year out. The only thing I enjoyed doing was watching DC. I kept telling myself that no matter how bad I thought my job situation was, it sure as hell beat being on a crab boat in the middle of the Bering Sea winter fishing for Opies. Geez, it gets so cold that these guys have ice forming on their facial hair, lol.

Anyways, the post was supposed to be about my new-found appreciation of older men so here I am admitting that I have a mega crush on Johnathan Hillstrand, lol. Really, I do. I even surprised myself with this one. I know I earlier said that I found Sig and Andy attractive and I'm not saying I don't anymore, it's just that I am completely smitten with Johnathan. He is just so tres amusing and I found myself being charmed by him. He's completely not who I imagined I would ever like on the show. I mean, out of all the captains, or let's widen the selection to people featured/work on the show, my normal type would definitely be either Andy Hillstrand or Don Bland, this cameraman that kinda looks like a more attractive version of Dane Cook or Wizard deckhand Crosby Leveen. I never thought I'd end up crushing on Johnathan Hillstrand. But I did.

Well, I guess I can try to rationalize my crush on him. He's actually really sweet. I think what really got me was how I saw him with the Harris boys when the late Capt Phil had his stroke and was in the hospital having surgery. At the time, Capt Johnathan was having his own crisis of faith work-wise and wanted to take time off from being a backseat driver to brother Andy and had actually got off the Time Bandit when they offloaded their catch mid-season to go have himself a vacation. Now, I have no idea of the timeline of the series but it seemed like he was just off the boat like 2 days or whatever when Capt Andy called him to tell him of Phil's stroke. Wherever he was, perhaps he was in his hometown of Homer, he flew to Anchorage to see Phil and support Phil's sons in their time of need. And it was through those epis that I think I started liking him a whole lot.

There are plenty of other instances where he really shows he has a, for lack of a better way to put it, softer side. Like when he took care of that bird he named Squawky. The bird had been blown off course by the rough winds and had ended up stranded on the Time Bandit. Capt Johnathan insisted on keeping the bird on board the ship and was kinda nursing it back to health despite Capt Andy's protestations. But Johnathan does as Johnathan wants. What happened to the bird you ask? Either it got better and flew off or it got thrown out of the box Johnathan kept it in by the rough seas or, and this apparently has people debating its truth, Capt Andy killed Squawky as an act of mercy :D It's funny cos Johnathan said in an interview that after that episode aired, he kept receiving marriage proposals for ages while Andy said he got hate mail, lol.

On paper, Andy is more my type cos he seems more, I can't find a suitable word to describe it other than accomplished. I don't mean to say that Johnathan is a slacker or anything like that but I guess, Johnathan knows what he likes and sticks with it. Andy appears to be the one who will give new things a try more so than his brother would. And Andy is the more pragmatic type which is more like my personality. Hmmmm, what the hell am I getting at? I like Johnathan but here I am extolling on what I like about Andy, hahaha. Andy is married, Johnathan is a lifelong bachelor. The choice is easy which one to crush on without guilt :) But that's not the only reason I prefer Johnathan over Andy.

Anywho...what more do I like about Johnathan. He is tall, I've made it clear I have a major thing for tall guys. And at 6'2" (or so google says), he fits right in with my other crush, Rob Bourdon. Not like Andy's short or anything like that, he's tall too, just not as tall as Johnathan. OMG, why is it I'm compelled to try to defend Andy from my own observations of his brother???? Johnathan is good-looking as well. And ever since my Lee DeWyze thing last year (who is engaged now so CONGRATS to him), I have found that tattoos are not a deal-breaker in my book. In fact, I like the two tats he has on his arms - one's a tiger, the other is a crab (what else would it be?). And I've never been averse to facial hair and Johnathan grows a mean beard, lol :D

Wow, I have no idea where this post is going now so I'll just stop and leave you with the pic of the cleaned-up-good Hillstrand brothers, hehehe. Last words: I like Johnathan Hillstrand and that's that.

checking in

Hello, hello! It's been eons since I've come on to post anything. Life in general has kept me busy and I have to admit, blogging has been the furthest thing from my mind.

Even so, that didn't mean that I did not miss just typing my thoughts down. God only knows that I probably should have come on here at numerous times in the past month and a half to write something and perhaps I wouldn't have been so manic.

I was going through a very tough time mentally, emotionally and physically with work and life as a whole. I became very depressed at a point earlier in the month of July and it's only now that i've managed to get a hold of myself and be able to function as per normal.

Anyways, just wanted to at least have a post up for July. Maybe if I'm feeling up to it, I'll talk more about my "episode", hehehe.