Saturday, June 28, 2014

it's official!

I'm moving back to Homeland! After 7 long years and 7 short months, I will finally leave this place that I have thought of as home - how could I not considering I've spent nearly a decade in this country. I have great memories and awful memories to take back with me. I will miss my colleagues who have become my family - we've been through the hghs and this last low, I wil never forget you, guys! I will not miss the assholes-in-charge from the government departments I used to have to deal with nor will I miss our equally asshole-ish local partner who is a jackass. Can you be an asshole and a jackass too? Whatever, he's both and more in my honest opinion.

I've shed a few tears at the thought of leaving for good. Of course I can always come back for visits but my point is that I had a life here, going back will mean adjusting to living with people 24/7. Whereas I used to have privacy in abundance, it'll be pretty scarce when I go back, lol. But I'll be with my family which is what i wanted anyways these past few years.

And that truly is the silver lining in all this. Yes, we have to close our office here, yes, people had to be retrenched, yes, it is a loss to our company's portfolio but for me, it meant being able to go back home. Oh, and I also got a promotion as well as a substantial salary bump. Which I feel in two minds about. Firstly, it seemed kinda wrong that I got to keep my job, a new title and more money when all of the local staff here had to be let go. On the other hand, I've served this company loyally for 9 years, it'll be 10 by 2015, this promotion was due and my salary hike a bonus. Yes, having to pay tax will suck greatly for me but I feel I'll still have quite a bit leftover for normal life, lol. But people lost their jobs to the events of the past 6 months. Sigh, I'm happy but I'm sad. I can't wait to go home but I dread to leave. I have paradoxical feelings which I can't control. Honestly, it's a blessing and a curse.