Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I am in the midst of reading Camilla Morton's 'A Year In High Heels'. It's basically a book of factoids of sorts and suggestions on new things to try ranging the 12 months of the year. I'm not sure if all the things suggested are meant to be done wearing high heels or it's simply a metaphor for being female. Anywho, in the month of January, she mentions starting a blog as a new year project. I realise my first posting is not in the new year nor is this actually my first blog but I figured why put off what you can do today PLUS this gives me a chance at a do-over at blogging (the first was just too public for my taste).

People have different reasons why they blog. Mine is simply so I can sort through the overflowing thoughts, some rational and others illogical, in my head in order to achieve some semblance of peace of mind (read: go to sleep). I'm writing more for me than to have my thoughts read by anyone and since I'm doing this pseudo-anonymously I don't link it to anywhere so it's highly probable it'll never be read by anyone but myself. As such, I do not have an agenda, I will write about anything and everything that strikes my fancy, even perhaps about how I sometimes wonder what the person who invented pegs was thinking about when he/she came up with the idea (thoughts such as these do cross my mind more often than I'd like to admit).

The 'About Moi' section pretty much cover my interests. I am a fanatical F1 afficianado, I am a HUGE Kimi Raikkonen supporter. One of my favourite pastimes is sitting on the floor of my living room tuned to ESPN, getting jittery waiting for the five red lights to go out at the start of the race and subsequently shouting at Formula 1 cars going round a track for 50 or so laps. Yea, I'm that type of fan, the kind who talks at the tv and believes all the yelling and screaming (read: supportive encouragement) is helping Kimi along. The bitter disappointment when things don't go the way I want them; Kimi doesn't win, doesn't place podium, doesn't finish the race, can dog me for a coupla days, I know I'm too emotionally invested in his career and I'm not even being paid for it. My peeps know not to bother me on an F1 weekend, it's hopeless, I usually refuse to go out. I also suffer from massive F1 withdrawal symptoms from November through to March which is only cured when the first race of the new season starts up again.

On the days I do venture into the non-F1 world, I enjoy me some more girly activities. I have an unhealthy obsession with bag buying. It can't be helped though, that gene simply runs in the family, my dad (yes, that's right, my FATHER, a man-bag collector) and elder sis have this affliction as well. It does not matter how many times I make a resolution to stop buying bags after the last purchase, there's always another one to entice me a month or so later. I guess trawling websites and blogs for the latest in handbag trends does not help stop the madness. Same goes for shoes, I have a major weakness for wedge-heeled shoes, knee-high boots, espradilles and croc shoes. And let's not start on clothes, for some reason I can't stop buying striped tees, I have a significant collection of horizontal-striped tees. And black pants, contrary to popular belief, there IS such a thing as too many black pants.....and they are all currently residing in my wardrobe. The only thing I'm not into apparel-wise is costume jewelery.

I am a complete sucker for pretty packaging when it comes to cosmetics and body care. That's why Benefit has made a ton of money off of me. If a shower gel comes in a pretty champagne-styled bottle, you can bet that I'll end up with it sooner or later (I'm looking at you Philosophy). Not to mention as well, I have a collection of lip balms and glosses that purport to moisturise, exfoliate, protect from sun damage and/or save the environment to which I'm still trying to figure out their rotation schedule. If there's a gimmick behind it, you can count on me being interested (that's you, CoverGirl Amazemint and Sally Hansen Lip Inflation Extreme). Also, a product that multitasks, say a 3-in-1 bath gel or all-over face stick, is a product after my own heart. I think that pretty much sums up my interest in beauty products.

The kicker is my book-reading habit. I know there's a global illteracy problem but in my household it was always a struggle between letting me indulge and restricting reading. I NEVER needed more encouragement to read, it's more like I was in need of leather restraints to keep me from getting ahold of them books. It actually came to a point where a parental figure threatened to burn my collection in order to get me to stop skipping school to read. The problem'd start because I'd read after school instead of do my homework and then the next day I'd persuade my mum to let me stay home so I could catch up on my homework.....she abetted me a coupla times but, 4 times' too many I guess and in the end I got ratted out to my dad. Logically, I accrued more homework by staying home to supposedly finish the previous day's homework, so when was I ever going to catch up? However, now that I'm an adult and a working one at that, nobody can threaten to destroy my book collection, barring natural disasters/house fires/house plumbing problems/naughty nephew & nieces with sticky fingers, OR prohibit me from buying books through the act of witholding allowance.....oh wait.....the boss technically could if work doesn't get done and I get booted into the cold world of unemployment. On a whole these days, I still read all genres of books 'cept for comics and manga which truthfully, I just don't get the appeal. Yes, yes, my guilty pleasure is chick lit so sue me. Working takes its toll on the mind and sometimes cheesy, romantic, lol, chick stories are all I'm up to. Not Mills & Boons stuff, more along the lines of Meg Cabot or Sophie Kinsella and a smidge of Judith McNaught. Oh, and InStyle and Cosmo also help alleviate the doldrums of the professional world.

The last thing of note about moi is my love of travel. Being bitten by the bug at a young age, I have been fortunate enough to have travelled around quite a bit and luckily now, work has me currently posted in a foreign land. Hmmmmmm.....on a side note, don't you wonder why it's called the travelling bug? Will have to google that. Anyways, like Mark Twain once said, travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness. I believe if you go out and see the world, get a taste of the different cultures and lifestyles, the experience will allow you to grow as an individual as well as part of the global fabric.

Well, it's long enough as is. Till the mood strikes again.