Sunday, August 25, 2013

sometimes i question my own mind ;)

As I've said many times before, I have a mild interest in Kimi Raikkonen and F1. As such, I always try to keep myself abreast of the latest news, gossip, tidbits of info that surround my favourite F1 pilot. But surely, there must come a moment where I actually stop reading/taking in these parcels of info/comments when all I'm thinking, rather loudly in my head I should add, is "WTF are you people on?!?!?!"

I've noted before that I'm a serial lurker on F1 forums - specifically PlanetF1 and Autosport - to the point I feel I know certain forumers "voice" (merely in reference to their opinions on things) and generally would agree or disagree. I know who are what is termed as fanboys/fangirls and those who are haters. I haven't truly seen anybody who posts without some kind of bias so really haven't "met" anyone who has been neutral in terms of F1 matters.

And honestly, the differences in thoughts is what makes a forum, no? The fact that, for example, 2 people can look at a situation and come to completely different conclusions on what it all means. That makes forums great, IMHO. However, I'm getting to that point where those who are pro and those who are cons of the general underlying theme of many a thread on Kimi - "Is Kimi really great?" are starting to wear thin on my nerves. I find myself thinking that these people really should get a life outside of debating the merits of Kimi Raikkonen as a top tier F1 driver. LOL, I may be a pot calling the kettle black here but in my defense, I'm only spending time reading these comments, not actively debating them.

Anyways, my opinion is, Kimi is definitely a fantastic F1 driver. Definitely top tier, never was a doubt in my mind about it even after his so-called underperforming stint with Ferrari. I don't understand the major flak he receives for his time there and I feel the POV I have on what went on during that time, which I've talked about in numerous posts whilst it happened as well as a couple of times after, is what is my truth of the events. Will I try to shove that down your throat? No, it's really your perogative to want to believe it or otherwise. I'd just appreciate it if I wasn't termed delusional for not believing in another person's "truth" on the matter. People put their opinions out there, you can weigh the comments, if you find it something you can believe in, by all means, believe it, support it but be aware of the fallacy that nothing in life is guaranteed. If you find you don't believe in it, say you don't and either leave it at that or come up with a more sensible counter-argument then stop believing in fairy tales :)

I guess the point of this post was just as an observation of F1 forumers, specifically Kimi supporters and detractors alike. If I were to say anything to these people - perspective is key, don't be so blind in your convictions that you cannot see anything but. On a side note, I'd like to state again that whoever is doing the race scheduling is not making it easy on fans/spectators with all these long breaks between races. Especially for the European legs, I mean the continent is relatively smaller than others, I feel a back-to-back race in Europe wouldn't be too bad logistics-wise. I feel there is a serious loss of momentum in between these 2/3 week breaks and it is hurting the overall F1 season experience. Hehehe, but really, I can talk till the cows come home but nobody's seeing this post anyway.