Wednesday, January 22, 2014

feliz año nuevo 2014

Felt like breaking out some Spanish there :D

Yes, I've been remiss as I tend to get. I have not been nice to you TIWFM, in fact, if you want to call abandonment on me, I won't even object. I will cop to it. I have been full of frivolousness and did not put fingers to keypad and report all and sundry to you.

With it being the new year and all, I will not promise to write more if you're thinking about that as a new year's resolution. No, not at all. Instead, I want to live more. Like REALLY LIVE! I mean, it really takes getting a glimpse into someone else's life to make you feel like your own's not living up to the hype, lol.

I am talking to you Chris Lowell! Chris Lowell, that actor who is too awesomely cool for his own good. Pfft. Yes, I am jealous of your life, you a-hole and yes, I am resorting to calling you undeserved names, hehehe. Serves you right though for putting your rather obnoxiously interesting and makes-me-wanna-hurl all-levels-of-awesome-photos-you-take-yourself online for all the world to see!

Sigh, where do I even begin to make this post coherent. Let me make an attempt. I was getting back into the rhythm of watching TV again when I happened upon an article where that dude that I find quite good-looking from Life As We Know It (that short-lived Kelly Osbourne TV vehicle)/Veronica Mars/Private Practice was on a new FOX comedy called Enlisted. I also noticed the buff but dimwitted guy Ryan from Suburgatory was gonna be on it. Then saw the third guy in the publicity still whom I don't think I've watched in anything but looks a lot like Josh Duhamel. They're all wearing army fatigues(?) - it's some military comedy. I figure, okay, I'll check it out, I do have a little bit of a thing for men in uniform, David James Elliott as JAG lawyer Harmon Rabb anyone? - perhaps since I'm a military brat and all but that's really a psychoanalysis for another day. Point is: downloaded the first epi, fell in love with Derrick Hill. I guess I like smart-asses cos if Derrick, played by Chris Lowell, isn't the epitome of a mouthy yet lovable somewhat jackass, I don't know who else would best describe that stereotype.

So I'm doing my 'new obsession' googling which originally was restricted to Enlisted-only material but then I decided to branch out. And I found that Chris Lowell is this crazy, batshit-good photographer who makes the everyday around us look oh-so-amazing. I somehow ended up on his instagram page and boy, is there ever a time I was filled with dislike, envy as well as self-pity, that would have been it. I thought my life was cool - I just got my PADI open water license (yes, Blog, I was living my life all these months I've been on the DL here), was finally settling back into a nice work routine after all the crazy traveling from the last couple of months, planning my birthday trip to Bali, enjoying my jailbroken iPhone 5S (uh-huh, i bought that sucker) and iPad with retina display, thanking God Almighty that my feet are now back to normal after an epic bout of I'd say, trench feet, for the most part of december - I mean, I felt I had a great 2013, all things considered and expensive private hospital medical bills notwithstanding.

Then Chris Lowell and his fab images came to my consciousness. Part of me wishes I never came across it cos I feel like I could be satisfied with my life thus far if I hadn't happened - ok, actively unwittingly searched for - on his photographs. Now I'm just filled with discontent. This guy is younger than me by a couple of years and his life is way more colorful. Acting and whatnot aside but he has traveled. And done shit that I have not even dreamt of doing. Some of them I still don't particularly wanna do but I would love to have had, how shall I put it, the balls to think up some of the stuff he's done. I guess I'm just not ballsy enough. In 2014, I need to be more ballsy - have bigger balls. Lol, I wonder as I age a year older that I tend to write cruder? Perhaps it's all that Kimi Raikkonen I-Don't-Give-A-Shit attitude that I find so endearing finally rubbing off on me.

Seriously, I am confused as ever by this post. I know I'm ranting a lot of how I dislike Chris Lowell's life and how he has invaded my conscious mind and made me think my own life isn't up to par as compared to his. I also seem to be making it clear that my posts won't be as polite as they've been before. And I think I'm trying to say that I'm gonna make my life more interesting so that I can invisibly and anonymously show up Chris Lowell's life, who, let's be clear, would not even know and if he did, would not give two hoots, nay, fucks, about it.

Summing up:-

  1. Enlisted is funny - it should be watched
  2. South Korea's Running Man is my nuevo numero uno obsession - who knew a variety TV show in a language I cannot comprehend much less speak would have me peeing in my pants (I literally did this when re-watching episode 110, sad to say)
  3. I am excited for my Bali excursion though I am feeling morally ambiguous about booking a dolphin-watching excursion at Lovina beach - I wanna see the dolphins but I don't want the mammals to be stressed out by all the boats chasing them around so I, and the other tourists, can get a picture of them, dilemmas, dilemmas 
  4. Scuba diving is awesome and I am so proud I'm PADI certified though the underwater exercises like flooding your mask and having to clear it sucks but not as bad as having to remove your BCD and then put it back on when at the surface in choppy waters
  5. Kimi and Ferrari Part Deux - excited yet apprehensive, I wanna believe we can make this second go-around work people, let's make it work since I already bought some Ferrari paraphernalia and don't wish to regret it AND;
  6. I have a very strong desire to save more of my money - hopefully the actions will match the will,lol.

HAPPY 2014!