Thursday, February 20, 2014

the quarter-life crisis

Is this a real thing? Or is it just some mumbo jumbo crap people spew out to justify how they feel? Does it even matter? Not the "crisis" itself but having a term to describe it. And is it actually fair to call feeling uncertain in life a crisis? Uncertainty. This piece written on this site certainly proposes the "quarter-life crisis" as a real thing.

I think most people will have a moment where they look back at their life thus far and wonder if this is where they saw themselves ending up. I think I've been at that point for the past few years. Sometimes I'm amazed at the path my life took. Other times I feel like it's completely unbelievable that this is where I find myself. Both professionally and personally. Amazed and unbelievable - they sound like the same thing but I am saying them as two separates.

I've been preoccupied of late with completing this work presentation that I'm trying to get done in time for our annual kickoff meeting next Monday. But every time I look at the reports I generated over the 2013 working year and try to extricate some form of analysis from the numbers/data/charts, I start drawing major blanks. I just don't know what to bullshit :D And I'm usually really excellent at extrapolating - analysis of reports is my forte, lol.

But right then I found myself with no clue at all how to complete a report I've been doing since 2008. Where had the passion for my job gone to I had wondered to myself. I mean, some time last year or the year before, I even thought aloud that this is not what I want to do with my life anymore no matter how competent I am at doing it. I'm good at my job, I know it but if this is turning out not to be the thing I wanna do for the rest of my working life.....I don't have a plan for what comes next. Hence, here I am, continuing to slog on doing this work. I have a pretty good feeling that the reason I don't enjoy what I'm doing currently is likely due to the clients I work with. I have complained before about how I have ended up loathing the people my company does business with. I think they are despicable and greedy with no moral compass. It does sicken me to be a bystander in all these shenanigans and I guess you could say that I am guilty by association. Being quiet doesn't mean you aren't tainted by it.

So really, will my "crisis" disappear if I don't have to work with the people I currently have to deal with which is a high likelihood or is there a deep seated issue that I have to deal with before I stop having all these doubts and confusion and lethargy?

Monday, February 17, 2014

crushing weight of stress

You know when you feel stressed out your heart keeps aching from the feeling of impending doom? No? Not familiar with that feeling? Lucky you, then! Cos that's what I've been dealing with for the past couple of days once it became reality that a 'corporate takeover' thing is about to go down very soon and the inevitability of all hell breaking loose.....

I literally feel sick a lot of the time and not being able to share my feelings with certain personnel compounds the queasy feelings. Seriously, I am not built for all this office politicking. I am more of a - allow me to ad-lib Kimi Raikkonen, "Leave me alone, I know what I'm doing....and I'll make damn sure I'll do it well for you" kinda gal. I expect that my hard work will keep you satisfied because I don't devote this much time to it and not give you what you've paid for. And I don't need platitudes, I just want you to respect the work I've done.

However, the world of private sector and government departments do not work this way. So, I'm just tired, heavy-hearted and have an intense desire to cry. My appetite is also dimmed. I wish I could just sleep. For days. Not that I have trouble sleeping but I don't wake up feeling like I've had good sleep so I'm tired. Sigh. Let's just get this over and done with cos I truly just want this to be finished come hell or high water. Dramatics END.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

ok, no joke, need to start SAVING MONEY!

U.S Of A. Here I come again!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

something i never imagined doing in my lifetime

isn't everybody just being so nice!

I type that with a little bit of sincerity and a healthy dose of sarcasm :D

So many complimentary soundbites are coming out in regards to Kimi. From Caterham rookie, Marcus Ericsson, to former Lotus partner, Romain Grosjean, all the way to illustrious new Ferrari buddy, Alonso. Of course, we can always count on Felipe Massa to hang Kimi out :D

Anyways, let's just do well, Kimster!