Tuesday, March 8, 2011

in honour of my not-yet gift.....

I am getting some iPod nano accessories from the Apple store.

Ok, it may be premature and all, I could get something else instead (or cash - this sometimes happens) but regardless, I'm still planning on owning an iPod nano .

Anyways, my sis was insisting I try to buy something from the Apple store and get it delivered to our new Portland addy since comGateway moved premises. Before this, all attempts to buy anything from Apple have been thwarted since they recognize the old address as a freight forwarding addy but since the move is recent, as in a couple of days ago, my sis thinks Apple can be conned. I'm just going along with it to make her happy.

So in the spirit of my future iPod nano, the first thing i have decided to get is the iWatchz Q Series watchband which goes for $24.95. I have been thinking of getting these watchbands ever since I decided I wanted an iPod nano and was at first looking at the slap-on wristbands. But as I browsed the Apple store and came across the iWatchz with its really good reviews, I figured the novelty of the slap-on would wear pretty thin pretty quickly and decided to go the conventional route. Plus, the fact that this is 5 bucks cheaper was a plus. I went for basic black cos I plan on making the nano my exercise tool and all the sweating will not affect a black watchband so much.

Next, I thought with all that potentially strenuous activity the nano will encounter that it was prudent to invest in a protective film so that the screen will be safe from scratches and such. For $9.95 I can get protection AND anti-glare with the Power Support Anti-Glare Film Set. Ok, yes, none too exciting but a must-have nonetheless.

And last but not least, to ensure free shipping, I had to find something that cost at least $15.10 and found that the Moshi TeraGlove Ultimate Cleaning Kit fit the bill! At $15.95, I get a Terahedron (whatever the hell this is) microfiber cleaning glove and a water spray bottle. Lol, ok, I am definitely re-purposing that spray bottle towards more beauty-oriented endeavours.

My total came to $50.85. I made purchase via the Apple store app on my iPad cos so far I have had good luck with buying from sites that usually don't allow me to buy from them through my PC using my iPad. It's still too early to tellif it's a fail or not but I haven't received an email saying I've been declined so all's still good :). We'll just wait and see.....

All images were gotten from the Apple website.

UPDATE: Was declined, guess I'll what I can from trusty Amazon then :)

love it when i'm right!

"Petra and Dmitry sitting in a tree,

Yup, I called it, I called it, I called it. Petra Nemcova is Dmitry Chaplin's partner for season 12 of Dancing With The Stars! I'm so excited to see Dmitry as an active pro again come March 21st that it's almost rivalling my enthusiasm about my journey homebound this weekend! Ok, not quite, but it's high up there nonetheless :D

And speaking of homeward bound travels, I am so relieved to be going back this Saturday. I am missing my family something terrible and I just want to be with them sooooooooo bad! The day I arrive, I'm getting picked up by my sis, her hubby and my three rascally kids-by-proxy (hehehe) and we're off to enjoy some guacamole bacon burger and chilli cheese fries at Carl's Jr. Yup, been longing for some CJ for some time now!

The next day I'm taking the fam out for some pre-birthday Dim Sum. My bro-in-law works in one of the premier hotels in the city and so happens the chinese restaurant serves seriously great dim sum and with his employee discount - 50% off ala carte menu! So I'm treating my whole fam to sunday brunch there - unfortunately this also includes my other bro-in-law, the CRAZY one. But I am trying to be the bigger person and sweep the animosity aside in favour of familial harmony :) Ooh, I feel so mature, lol.

On Monday, am having lunch with my ex-colleague/ex-programming partner. I used to work on the coding and she'd do the design. I was back-end, she was front-end - hmmm, sounds kinda dirty when it's said like that, hehehe. Meeting her near her place of work. It may be my birthday but I am giving her some gifts; her birthday present for 2010 AND 2011. I won't be left out - she got me the iPad camera connection kit for my birthday so we're good.

Tuesday, which is MY BIRTHDAY "DING, DING, DING", is gonna be somewhat low key. My sister's nanny had to go back to Homeland for a family crisis and it's the school holiday so I'm helping my parents take care of the kiddies. Apparently they have been driving their Grandpa M-A-D! My bestie from primary school took the day off so I'm gonna get her to hang out with me at home. Maybe go and take in a movie with the kiddos, we'll see. I'm also making my sis treat me to some Yellow Cab pizza for spending my birthday babysitting!

Wednesday is also low key as I want to get some downtime in with my parents but Thursday, we are all jetting off to Singapore for a three day holiday! We'll be arriving in the afternoon and spending some quality time window shopping (:P) but on Friday it's UNIVERSAL STUDIOS!!!!!! We had planned a visit to the theme park last year during my second sis's birthday but our plans were thwarted by an unforeseen incident. But this year it's ON, we already bought our tix and all! I'm kinda nervous to go on the Battlestar Galactica coasters - they are TRES INTIMIDATING! So that's a whole day event and the next day, Saturday, I'm leaving back to Homeland -again, hopefully arriving in the afternoon cos that night I have dinner with the gal pals.

And I still have to figure out where to go for dinner. Whatever it is, at least all of us will be able to be around for this cept for OZ. The Glue moved to Singapore and is also jetting in for my birthday - aren't my friends sweet??? For my collective prezzie from the gurls I asked for the 16GB iPod nano in graphite so hopefully I'll be the recipient of said gift during the din din (am really turning into an Apple hag ain't I?). I am hoping that with the nano I'll be spurred, inspired even, to workout more with the pretty lil trinket. Right now it's a bit of an effort setting up my iPad and trying to make sure I don't drop my iPhone while I'm on the elliptical so that's a turn off (excuses, excuses).

The next day I have a very early flight out to Workland so I will have had to be packed before I leave for dinner. It's going to be a short and very hectic week for me but I hope since it's all mapped out that it'll go as smoothly as possible :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

random (and completely frivolous) thoughts

Can I just put it out there that I think Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are just too cute together! Lol, yes, I know, not really curing cancer stuff but it is one of the biggest headlines making the world news rounds after they 'officially' came out as a couple during the red carpet walk at the 83rd Oscars :) I just find them adorable, it's just nice to watch young love.

Also, I know I'm likely in the minority but I am so loving the whole Dan-Blair dynamics on Gossip Girl. I know people ship Chuck/Blair & Dan/Serena and that's all well and good but I have always found those two relationships absolutely cloying. Yup, C/B and D/S make me want to hurl but D/B (or B/D, whatever) seems like a good fit to me. I like it! I like the thought of them together and I hope that it does go somewhere and stay there!

Season 12 of Dancing With The Stars is premiering on March 21st so the lineup was announced. Among the 12 contestants is the gorgeous supermodel Petra Nemcova! I like her and so I'm hitching my horse to her wagon. I am sooooo hoping that her partner is Dmitry Chaplin cos I don't think there's anyone else tall enough to partner with a supermodel that isn't already partnered up. Maks is supposed to be with Kristie Alley and Tony D is rumored to partner with Wendy Williams. So that leaves the dashing Dmitry left who is good enough to be paired with a supamodel! Plus, I am suffering from severe Dmitry withdrawals - there's only so much of season 9 I can keep on watching (and the performance pieces of season 10 and 11) before one wants new stuff from one's fave pro dancer!

So that's basically what's on my mind, lol. Jelena, the Dan/Blair debacle and Dmitry Chaplin's appearance as a pro on season 12's DWTS!

target's GO! International 5th anniversary

It's a 'For Target' designer redux!

To celebrate the FIFTH anniversary of Target's collaborations with designers galore, the retail giant is re-releasing 34 dresses from the various diffusion lines since the GO! International's inception.

I have lusted over the GO! International lines waaaay before I was able to shop it - I had major lust for the Rogan For Target pieces and was obssessed with the Alice Temperley For Target collection. However, during the release of these collections, I was not in possession of a Portland address and was reduced to stew in my 'see not touch' dilemma.

The year of the Rogan For Target release was the year of my US bi-coastal trip and let me tell you that I made my sister's drop by at any Target that was within our mapped out course - but to no avail :(

The year before that was the Alice Temperley For Target line and I was soooooo in love with the romance and femininity the pieces evoked. I was particularly enamoured with this light grey long sleeve cable knit jacket with a ribbon tie and was willing to get it off of eBay for a rather jacked-up amount if I had known what size I would have fit.

The year before I got the AMEX, Target collaborated with Thakoon and I was smitten with the pieces. One of my first posts on this blog was about the Thakoon collection and I would have LOVED to get my hands on one of the dresses but as I had no one to ship to, I had to just let the collection pass by. By the time I had someone who was willing to bring some online shopping back to Homeland for me, the Thakoon collaboration had sold out - that's how I ended up with the Petrova gladiator shoes and the Hayden Harnett Flight tote.

But now, with the power of AMEX, comGateway and Portland addy, I have been given a second chance to fulfill my dreams! I wish that the pieces I so wanted were available though but they aren't. I looked over the collection and there are a few that have caught my eye. None more so than this beautiful shirtdress from the Alice Temperly collaboration.

The Alice Temperley for Target Voile Ruffle-Front Dress in Black. The RRP is $34.99. This is my number one pick from the upcoming release. I just love the overall feel of it and I am DEFINITELY going to get this piece. I'll most likely get this full price cos I don't think there'll be any left if I think to wait till it goes up for clearance.

Aside from that, the other pieces are cute but not something I'm dying to have. The Rogan stuff is nothing to shout about - I really wished they released the belted safari shirtdress which I was crazy about. The leopard print shift dress below is cute but for $39.99 - I don't think it's worth the price. If it goes on clearance for cheap then I'll definitely get it.

The other piece I am seriously considering is this Thakoon for Target Printed Tie-Waist Dress in Black/White which is also going for $39.99. This is a similar print to the dress I wanted from the original release but I believe that the one I originally had my eye on was a blue/white version. Nonetheless, this black/white one is truly eye-catching as well.

That's really only the two that I would consider purchasing at full price. The other pieces I saw that looked interesting I've put in a collage below. I like these pieces but not enough to pay full price on 'em. I seem to like the Rodarte pieces best as I have 3 or 4 in my lineup. I also have a soft spot for the Libertine collections. I've mentioned my love affair with anything stripes and I am loving that blue/green t-shirt dress but for 20 plus bucks, am still not willing to get it.

As I mentioned above, the collection features 34 pieces from 17 designer collaborations and are priced from $24.99 to $44.99. The limited-edition collective will be available beginning March 13 at Target stores and online at target.com.