Tuesday, March 8, 2011

love it when i'm right!

"Petra and Dmitry sitting in a tree,

Yup, I called it, I called it, I called it. Petra Nemcova is Dmitry Chaplin's partner for season 12 of Dancing With The Stars! I'm so excited to see Dmitry as an active pro again come March 21st that it's almost rivalling my enthusiasm about my journey homebound this weekend! Ok, not quite, but it's high up there nonetheless :D

And speaking of homeward bound travels, I am so relieved to be going back this Saturday. I am missing my family something terrible and I just want to be with them sooooooooo bad! The day I arrive, I'm getting picked up by my sis, her hubby and my three rascally kids-by-proxy (hehehe) and we're off to enjoy some guacamole bacon burger and chilli cheese fries at Carl's Jr. Yup, been longing for some CJ for some time now!

The next day I'm taking the fam out for some pre-birthday Dim Sum. My bro-in-law works in one of the premier hotels in the city and so happens the chinese restaurant serves seriously great dim sum and with his employee discount - 50% off ala carte menu! So I'm treating my whole fam to sunday brunch there - unfortunately this also includes my other bro-in-law, the CRAZY one. But I am trying to be the bigger person and sweep the animosity aside in favour of familial harmony :) Ooh, I feel so mature, lol.

On Monday, am having lunch with my ex-colleague/ex-programming partner. I used to work on the coding and she'd do the design. I was back-end, she was front-end - hmmm, sounds kinda dirty when it's said like that, hehehe. Meeting her near her place of work. It may be my birthday but I am giving her some gifts; her birthday present for 2010 AND 2011. I won't be left out - she got me the iPad camera connection kit for my birthday so we're good.

Tuesday, which is MY BIRTHDAY "DING, DING, DING", is gonna be somewhat low key. My sister's nanny had to go back to Homeland for a family crisis and it's the school holiday so I'm helping my parents take care of the kiddies. Apparently they have been driving their Grandpa M-A-D! My bestie from primary school took the day off so I'm gonna get her to hang out with me at home. Maybe go and take in a movie with the kiddos, we'll see. I'm also making my sis treat me to some Yellow Cab pizza for spending my birthday babysitting!

Wednesday is also low key as I want to get some downtime in with my parents but Thursday, we are all jetting off to Singapore for a three day holiday! We'll be arriving in the afternoon and spending some quality time window shopping (:P) but on Friday it's UNIVERSAL STUDIOS!!!!!! We had planned a visit to the theme park last year during my second sis's birthday but our plans were thwarted by an unforeseen incident. But this year it's ON, we already bought our tix and all! I'm kinda nervous to go on the Battlestar Galactica coasters - they are TRES INTIMIDATING! So that's a whole day event and the next day, Saturday, I'm leaving back to Homeland -again, hopefully arriving in the afternoon cos that night I have dinner with the gal pals.

And I still have to figure out where to go for dinner. Whatever it is, at least all of us will be able to be around for this cept for OZ. The Glue moved to Singapore and is also jetting in for my birthday - aren't my friends sweet??? For my collective prezzie from the gurls I asked for the 16GB iPod nano in graphite so hopefully I'll be the recipient of said gift during the din din (am really turning into an Apple hag ain't I?). I am hoping that with the nano I'll be spurred, inspired even, to workout more with the pretty lil trinket. Right now it's a bit of an effort setting up my iPad and trying to make sure I don't drop my iPhone while I'm on the elliptical so that's a turn off (excuses, excuses).

The next day I have a very early flight out to Workland so I will have had to be packed before I leave for dinner. It's going to be a short and very hectic week for me but I hope since it's all mapped out that it'll go as smoothly as possible :)