Saturday, February 28, 2009

the february tales

I know February has been quiet on the blogging front, mainly cos I went home for a week's holiday and then I just got plain lazy. As the end of the month is upon us, I feel compelled to take the post count for February to at least 6 (what a difference from January) and so here's the contribution to making that goal. Sit tight cos this is going to be a looong one. Previous posts have proven, I love to ramble and it also doesn't help that I suffer from a paragraph break disorder!

What have I been up to? Let's see, I went back to the motherland for one week, enjoyed food, food and more food, slept late, did not exercise one bit and now am 2.5 lbs heavier than when I left. Plus I strongly believe my face puffed up over this weekend and now my face looks like a round ball when I have my hair scraped back off of my face. I came back and didn't start exercising again until a week and a half later and even then it was just one day. My left wrist was strained from doing yoga the week before I left for home and it's still not better so am trying not to worsen the injury (:P) further by overdoing the exercise although I know it sounds as if I am wavering on the exercise front. I can't allow that to happen cos I just invested in some extremely spiffy exercise outfits and am not allowing those to go unworn. Plus the company trip in May has waterfront related activities and I must get in shape for swimwear attire.

Which brings me to the next thing that's been keeping me busy and poor. Shopping. It started when I went home and there was a member's sale going on at my favoured department store. I can't resist the sales there (SOOOO CHEAP) and despite having complained throughout the one week I was back about having no money, I manage to haul back here, a zebra print blouse (an early birthday prezzie from my mum and dad), a pair of black patent platform pumps (another early b-day prezzie courtesy of my second sis), a pair of silver foldable flats that I can fold into two and stuff in my handbag (meant for travelling), three pairs of matching underwear (yup, another thing I can cross of my NY's list), a Maxtor Basics 500GB 2.5" external drive (trust me, it sounds like a lot but I can fill it up fast, it's been less than a month and I have 70 gig worth of stuff on it already), a total of 16 story books on various subject matters (and I've pledged not to purchase anymore books until June) and a bunch of beauty essentials.

Considering all that I got in that one week, you'd think I'd stop buying things wouldn't you. But a shopaholic will ALWAYS find something to buy. The first weekend after arriving back, I was going round the shops looking to get a swimming suit for the May trip. I came home with a matching Athletic Works yoga sleeveless top and long pants, Athletic Works capri-style yoga bottoms, Top Class gray tunic shift dress suitable for both work and play, a Cinema Etoile long nightgown, a work appropriate cream scalloped necked blouse from a brand I can't seem to make its label, a gorgeous floral H&M top, an Xhilaration bikini top, West Pacific bikini bottom and a Merona swim skirt cover-up. After this spree, I figured, ok, I should be done but I underestimated myself. The following Friday, after 4 days thinking about it, I went out again during lunchtime to get 2 more of the matching exercise outfits. They fit so nice and looked so good and were on sale and I was afraid if I didn't move in on them now, they would be gone. I got those..... and I also ended up bringing home an It Figures! Tummy Thinner bandeau-style one piece suit (I never heard of this brand before and just thought it was a pretty suit but when i got home and looked at the label, I googled them and found they have the most funky and gorgeous swimwear for all body types. And it works too! I didn't even know I had gotten a tummy flattening piece but when I tried it on, I was amazed at how flat my stomach looked. I finally looked at the label and figured out that it wasn't all the exercise that made me look great but the suit itself) and 2 long sleeved tees from H&M, one in purple and one in fuschia. So, I've also sworn off shops for March cos I overextended my entertainment budget for February and will not have any money for groceries if I continue at the pace I've been going.

And last but not least, I have been watching a whole bunch of tv and movies. To name 'em all: the Shia LaBeouf movie "Eagle Eye" (creepy government high-tech stalking but good movie, makes you think about what the MAN knows about you), "Repo: The Genetic Opera" (saw the cast promoting the movie at the horror/action awards show, SCREAM Awards, in '08 and thought it seemed hilarious that Paris Hilton was acting in a Rocky Horror show style movie, was intriguing to say the least), "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" (was on and saw that there was an actual "The Bro Code" book made famous in "How I Met Your Mother" and because I am in love with Barney Stinson, I was checking out the audio download of the book as it's narrated by Neil Patrick Harris and the dvd for Dr. Horrible was in the recommended purchase list. It had sooo many great reviews and I thought why not. The verdict: It's greatly amusing and Neil Patrick Harris is unfortunately adorable as Dr. Horrible/Billy as well. At this point I am unsure if my crush is still on Barney Stinson or Neil Patrick Harris himself), season 5 of "Hell's Kitchen" (never followed the show before but AM SO IN LOVE WITH IT NOW!), catching up on volume 4 of "Heroes" (seems like the show's storyline is going down the crapper) as well as season 5 of "Lost" (this show just reels me in each season), "Slumdog Millionaire" (LOVED IT! I can see why it won a whole bunch of awards! And yes, I cheated and watched the movie before reading the book, which I still have not read, it's just sitting on my shelf at this point), "Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist" (I had the OST first and the tracks didn't really appeal to me but the movie had a lot of great reviews so decided to give it a watch and loved it. I guess it's because I find Michael Cera endearing) and, as shameful as it is to admit, "High School Musical 3" (I watched 1 and 2 with the nephew and felt I should follow through with the third..... *bats eyelashes thrice*.....FINE, looking at Zac Efron is a guilty pleasure of mine, the boy is just sooooo pretty and fit!). Phew! Recapped in one sentence! You gotta find that impressive *BIG GRIN*

What I have NOT been doing in February, besides showing no restraint on the purse strings, is reading. Maybe because I have set it in my head I am not allowed to buy anymore books till after June and so am unconsciously saving my reading stock for the months of tv show no-mans-land. I've been trying to finish this book called "Little Earthquakes" by Jennifer Weiner since the week I was on holiday and can't seem to get to the middle of the book even. I bought it 3 years ago and couldn't get past the first chapter then. I picked it up again at home and was powering throught the first 80 or so pages cos it suddenly became interesting and then I got back here and just got lazy. The story is good, I just can't bring myself to read this month I guess.

Other than that, been doing nothing else, work is work, routine and crisis-free (exactly how I like it, emailing is no longer a chore, weekends are a no-work zone 80% of the time). Ooh yea.....I did try a DIY sewing project but that was a complete bust. I have these light gray Levis jeans that I have completely gone off of due to its thigh widening effect the different shades of gray causes and was thinking of donating it to a charity when, hit by fashion inspiration, I thought I'd convert it into a knee-length skirt. I googled around, found a relatively easy looking clear and concise step-by-step pictorial of converting a pair of denim pants into a four panel skirt and went on my merry way hacking the pants into useable pieces. Just fyi, I don't own a sewing machine so ALL the stitching/sewing was done by hand. I spent the better half of a sunday piecing the skirt together and when I had a version of what the finished look would be, I gave the skirt a try and to my utter disbelief (and horror), it added like an additional 4 inches to the hips, more so than when it was simply a pair of jeans. I abandoned them there and then. I'm not going to waste my money getting it professionally finished by a tailor if it's still going to make my hips look like its been through a magnifier. I'll just wait till I can get my hands on my mum's sewing machine to put the final touches on it before I give it away to some skinny soul out there who would appreciate the extra inches. I hate having unfinished projects so despite not wanting it anywhere near my wardrobe, I still feel obligated to get it done right. I just regret the back-breaking bending, needle-stabbed fingers and eye squinting hours I endured.

And there you have it folks, the February activities roundup. Let's march right on into.....March! Yea, I'm corny like that :D