Saturday, September 28, 2013

hot off the presses.....MY NEW TRINKETS!

Hehe, was trying to convey both the "hot news" as well as the "hot" arrival of my two new commissioned rings :D

I have a colleague whose a Myanmar national and he went back to his country for his annual leave and knowing that Myanmar has relatively great, high-quality goldsmiths, I decided to get him to special order a ring for me. I passed him two designs, one of the Hug Ring as it's known by InfinityDesigns off of Etsy and the other is the Tiffany Twist Ring. The Hug Ring on etsy is 14K and costs about $208 with shipping from Canada - those are last year's price though, I have no clue if the cost has gone up. The Tiffany Twist Ring is 18K and would set me back $500 if I were to get it. I really wanted both but knew I didn't have the disposable cash to simply splurge on them. Plus, I'd have to get them shipped back from the Americas continent - anything could happen and the worst case scenario of losing out on $208 or $500 or even $708 through the mail wasn't an apppealing prospect to say the least.

Hence, I came up with the ingenious plan to ask my colleague to seek out someone back home to make one of the rings for me. Another colleague, also from Myanmar, had scouted the goldsmith for me on his earlier trip back home and said the cost of the Tiffany style ring would be $200 for 22K, solid ring - meaning it's not hollow inside. Those were my exact requests - that it needed to be the highest gold karat possible and the band needed to be solid through and through. When I heard it was $200, I mmediately made sure I had my budget ready for when my other colleague was gonna go back. I ended up passing him $300 and the two designs, telling him to go with whichever would cost more.

That was 2 weeks ago and he just arrived back to Workland. He came by my place to drop off my ring, was so excited since I didn't know which design I'd be getting, I loved both! When he opened up the ring box, I saw not one, but both designs and they looked absolutely gorgeous! then immediately I thought, OMG, he made both, how much did this cost???? Before I could ask, he said that he made both designs and I could choose either one and the other he would give to his mom. I asked him if my $300 covered the cost for both which I did find unbeleivable even though I did tell him before he left that it would be really nice if I could have some change back from the 300 dollars I passed him :P He did roll his eyes at me and told me the Tiffany design was $200 as stated by my other colleague but the Hug Ring was $210. I was baffled yet ecstatic. I mean frickin hell TWO RINGS costs less than the one Tiffany Twist Ring?!?!?! I asked him if I could take both and he said, of course I could :D

And that's how I ended up with my new HANDMADE gold trinkets! For the very special price of $410 combined - I could not be happier!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, September 26, 2013

my lunchtime activity - zalora hauling

Who ever first came up with the concept of shopping from a computer was an absolute G-E-N-I-U-S! To the detriment of wallets everywhere :)

Anywho, I got my first Zalora haul and I was happy with everything. Everything except for my Schutz platforms which could not accommodate my wide feet despite being billed as a size 8.5. Sigh, was disappointed cos the shoes were gorgeous. So, I made my first return to zalora - that was Monday. Got my store credit for the return just this morning so I'm very happy with the overall return experience. The return costs are borne by them and the processing of returns is very fast.

I also then received an email for a flash sale. From 3:00pm to 3:10pm local Homeland time, EVERYTHING would be 20% off! I got that email at about 2:45pm and immediately, I knew I was gonna take advantage of it. I had some stuff already in my cart and was simply waiting for some kind of discount event. In total, I spent $156.35 for 6 items.

The item I had been eyeing the most were the Cheap Monday Slim Chinos and River Island Black Stripe Envelope Clutch. I dunno why I have a thing for khaki cargos :) And the clutch, well, I just felt it looks really nice. Then I also wanted the geb long sleeves blouse. That's a versatile piece, can be used for office as well as casual outings. I have an upcoming trip to Bangkok next month for work and there's gonna be some kind of networking dinner so I thought I'd get the geb sequin collar blouse. It's a dressy yet still work-appropriate top and I'm gonna pair it with one of my numerous black maxi skirts. Lastly, during this same working trip, I will be attending a conference so I figured I'd get myself the raglan jumpsuit from Nichii. Pop on a blazer over and I'm work-attire ready :). Last but not least, I got the maxi skirt with the sequin band also from Nichii. No reason, just cos I wanted it. It's ral pretty I feel.

Right, that's it for now. I'll likely put up a post on something else that I had gotten via and completely forgot to write about. Nevermind, the product is now in hand so it can be a purchase and review post AIO. Till then....

Thursday, September 12, 2013

kitchen exploits

Been hanging out in the kitchen a lot more of late. Tried some new things from EntertaingWithBeth and Blogilates (though I forgot to take a pic of the no bake key lime pie I made with the recipe I got from her youtube channel). Also tried making some artisan bread. Don't want to talk too much, let's just do some pictures :)

Goat Cheese & Onion Jam Tartlets

Ribeye Steak with balsamic mushroom reduction sauce and baked potato, grilled asparagus & steamed cherry tomatoes sides

Wholemeal artisan bread

Been trying new things lately. This saturday am planning on making some roasted pumpkin ravioli so I'll likely put up a post detailing that exploit later in the weekend.

it's not that i haven't been indulging

What (or who) is Zlena and this blog if it isn't revolved around me and my retail therapy exploits?

I've just been lazy to blog them. And sincerely, can't particularly remember what new things I've gotten recently, hehehe. One particular purchase that is kinda hard to forget even if I wanted to would be this little get here.....

Oh, what's that? Well, let's have a look inside, shall we?

Yeah, I caved and decided to join the masses. That's my Samsung Galaxy S4, the GT-I9502 to be precise. Why do I have to be so precise with the model number and all? Cos I didn't just get the S4, I got the dual-sim S4 :D. I made a conscious decision to retire my N97 and my work blackberry and just go for one phone that would accommodate both my work cell as well as my Homeland number. And it's working a treat.

And if there's any wonderment about how I got my hands on a dual-sim S4 when it had such a limited release and by limited meaning released primarily in China? Cos Workland imports 'em. I've got the China Unicom logos popping up any time I reboot the phone. It's been a learning curve since I'm still new to android. Been trying to figure out how to do all the rooting and whatnot so I can try to use a custom ROM for this phone. I haven't been able to start though cos there'sthis specific ROM which I can't get to download fully so been stuck with all this China market specific bloatware. Will have to wait till I go back to Homeland in about a week's time before I can attempt another download - internet speed is waaaaaayyyyy faster back home.

What of my loving and faithful 4S? We're still partners, how can I part with my beloved iOS? I don't believe in being either or. I'm a "you can have your cake and eat it too" kinda gal :D Hey, just noticed my phones are 4S and S4, lol.

a break from F1 centric posts

Yes, my life doesn't revolve entirely around Kimi and what he does :D A good portion of it does but not all of it.

I got a "Miss Ya" coupon code from Zalora which ends tonight so decided to make use of it. I was thinking about these Melissa wedges which cost a lil over USD150 but after my 25% discount would be about 120 bucks roundabout. In the end I decided against it considering I can't figure out the Melissa shoe sizing online. The wedges I got last time in a 9 were too big and I have barely worn them at all cos they are loose. And the last time I tried a size down seemed it was too tight. There largest pair were an 8 - I just didn't want to chance getting an expensive pair of plastic shoes and not wear them. Again :)

So instead, I got myself these lovely pair of open toe leather booties from Zang Toi. These designer kicks were already on sale half off and with my additional 25% coupon, I paid a mere USD46.11.

As I was browsing more shoes, came across these chunky platforms by the Brazilian brand Schutz. They were about 75% off already and with my coupon code would cost only $13.61. I figured why not. I don't own any shoes in this hue (called coconut) and they were going for really cheap. Oh yeah, they're also FRICKIN LEATHER BABY!!!! Was cheap cos it was the last pair in 8.5. I was lucky :D

Next I went for some clothes. The site was having a sale section where everything was going for roughly $8.90 and under. I saw this cute colour-blocked, peplum-y top going for $8.90 and after applying the discount, would only end up paying $6.68.

Last but not least are these Reebok woven dance cargos. I think they look comfy. I've a holiday coming up where I'm gonna be gallivanting on foot through nature quite a bit so thought these might be worthwhile to bring along. They're lightweight and apparently very comfy from the reviews I read on Amazon. After all discounts applied, I paid USD25.14 for these.

So what's the total on this score you may (or may not :D) ask? A very frugal (by my standards) $91.54. Ok, as frugal as I can get for 4 items. In my defense, those Reebok pants alone costs $60 on Amazon and those Zang Toi shoes are D-E-S-I-G-N-E-R! Basically, I saved and that's what matters, hehehe.

Loved everything but had to return the Schutz shoes cos even though the size was right, the shoe was too narrow for my un-dainty feet :D

and so it begins.....

I think the post's title was inspired by a line from one of Peter Jackson's Tolkein movies. In fact, I'm even gonna throw in part of the title of his last movie which was "There and Back Again". Cos that's exactly what Kimi Raikkonen has done. He went there, he left and now he's back there again.

Yup, he gambled on Red. Sigh. This means, as much as I loathe it, I too will ultimately pledge my allegiances there when next season rolls around. Hence, let's clear the air so to speak. I am going to write an open letter to the 3 main parties involved. We'll start with Blondie.....


Kimi Matias Raikkonen, you better well know what you're doing! If I get even a hint of discontentment coming from your side of the garage, I can't promise I won't get entirely upset and just ditch you to your own devices. There just comes a time when you have to tell yourself enough is enough. And if you did not learn any lessons from your first go-around there, then I can only tell you what you get is deserved. Be smart and play hard cos you can bet the other side of the garage will be doing their damndest. I will support you but I can't say it will be unconditional if you find yourself getting struck by lightning AGAIN!


To the Horses (LdM, SD et al.), if you do not treat him with the respect he deserves, I (and ultimately the other couple thousand Kimi fans) WILL definitely wish you more of the bad karma you've been enduring since your first parting of ways. You should understand by now the issues of the past and ensure there are no repeats in this regard between yourselves and the Kimster. I am willing to let bygones be bygones but lest you think I forget what's past, that does not happen - I have an elephant's memory. Benefit of doubt is the only thing I can extend. Fair play is all I expect of thee.


Alfredo, Alfredo, Alfredo. What can I really say to you. How about some frank honesty? I have never liked you. Throughout your first Renault stint, I would in fact say I hated you with a burning passion. I called you mean nicknames. Over the years though, that loathing has turned to indifference. Some of my old blog posts will attest to that. On the topic of your arrival to Maranello at my Iceman's expense - I cannot truly begrudge you shoving Kimi out of his Ferrari seat and ultimately depriving me of F1 but let's just say that karma is a bitch, aint it Fred? All those near misses I'm sure leave a scar on your samurai heart. Needless to say but will be said nonetheless, your psyche may have been affected too what with the ridiculous warrior stuff you love to spout. You're my age dude, stop being weird! Parting words: Let's be mature, let's do the politicking with the driving, ok Nando?

So cheers to this 2nd coming of the ice age to Maranello. May it yield good rewards for one (Kimi) and all (Ferrari - yes, a little for FA too, you can be just behind the Kimster, k?)!

Forza Kimi!


And I now end the crazy :-)




Sunday, September 8, 2013

is Kimi really betting on red again?

The game of F1 seat roulette keeps spinning around Kimi and where he'll end up driving next year. Hehehe, was inspired to come up with a casino/gambling analogy based on something I saw on Twitter mentioning if Kimi will wear black (Lotus) or red (Ferrari) next season.

Back on topic, the rumours have been aplenty and now more than ever before, at Monza no less, it's reaching boiling point. From the outside, it really does look like Kimi has signed on for Ferrari again. Honestly, I don't like it. I don't like Ferrari. I never liked them before Kimi drove for them and I tolerated them whilst he was! I'm a McLaren girl if I'm thinking teams! Well, now I'm actually really liking Lotus and Kimi fits there! Gosh, why can't Lotus get the money to keep Kimi with them. He just wants you to be able to develop the car throughout the season, Lotus! Why did you drive him into the arms of Ferari?!?!? Your job was just to get enough sponsorship for the team, don't lose James Allison and provide Kimi the car to drive for wins with peerless strategy. Well, it's been hit-and-miss on all those fronts. Sponsorship, well, they recently got something from Emmaar but there's doubts about how much that will pump into the outfit. Some big sponsorship announcement made in early summer with Infinity has apparently not been completely worked out. James Allison is now working in Ferrari's garage. This weekend Kimi and Grosjean did not make it into Q3 of qualifying and are starting 11th and 13th respectively - all the Lotus development pieces did not make it onto the car. And well, strategy has really been Lotus's achilles heel usually.

Sigh. I just don't want Kimi to get swallowed up by that crazy Ferrari culture. They go on and on about how they are a family and Luca di Montezemelo is the "father" and drivers are his "sons" and their ears need to be tweaked when they act out of line. What the hell are you going on about, dude? You are head of a racing outfit and you employ drivers to race your cars. And don't get me started about his favourite analogy about buckling down and getting on with the job - it involves having knives between the teeth, apparently he LITERALLY sent out knives to Ferrari F1 personnel as a message to get their act together during the summer break. I truly hope Kimi has wised up since his first stint there if he truly is going to be driving for them next year. Plus, he really needs to watch his back cos if Fernando Alonso is going to be his teammate there, that dude will definitely bury a knife (perhaps the one LdM gave to him as a buck-up gesture? :D) in his back anytime he can. Yup, Alonso dislike is still alive and well - never really left.

So, Kimi, red or black?