Saturday, September 28, 2013

hot off the presses.....MY NEW TRINKETS!

Hehe, was trying to convey both the "hot news" as well as the "hot" arrival of my two new commissioned rings :D

I have a colleague whose a Myanmar national and he went back to his country for his annual leave and knowing that Myanmar has relatively great, high-quality goldsmiths, I decided to get him to special order a ring for me. I passed him two designs, one of the Hug Ring as it's known by InfinityDesigns off of Etsy and the other is the Tiffany Twist Ring. The Hug Ring on etsy is 14K and costs about $208 with shipping from Canada - those are last year's price though, I have no clue if the cost has gone up. The Tiffany Twist Ring is 18K and would set me back $500 if I were to get it. I really wanted both but knew I didn't have the disposable cash to simply splurge on them. Plus, I'd have to get them shipped back from the Americas continent - anything could happen and the worst case scenario of losing out on $208 or $500 or even $708 through the mail wasn't an apppealing prospect to say the least.

Hence, I came up with the ingenious plan to ask my colleague to seek out someone back home to make one of the rings for me. Another colleague, also from Myanmar, had scouted the goldsmith for me on his earlier trip back home and said the cost of the Tiffany style ring would be $200 for 22K, solid ring - meaning it's not hollow inside. Those were my exact requests - that it needed to be the highest gold karat possible and the band needed to be solid through and through. When I heard it was $200, I mmediately made sure I had my budget ready for when my other colleague was gonna go back. I ended up passing him $300 and the two designs, telling him to go with whichever would cost more.

That was 2 weeks ago and he just arrived back to Workland. He came by my place to drop off my ring, was so excited since I didn't know which design I'd be getting, I loved both! When he opened up the ring box, I saw not one, but both designs and they looked absolutely gorgeous! then immediately I thought, OMG, he made both, how much did this cost???? Before I could ask, he said that he made both designs and I could choose either one and the other he would give to his mom. I asked him if my $300 covered the cost for both which I did find unbeleivable even though I did tell him before he left that it would be really nice if I could have some change back from the 300 dollars I passed him :P He did roll his eyes at me and told me the Tiffany design was $200 as stated by my other colleague but the Hug Ring was $210. I was baffled yet ecstatic. I mean frickin hell TWO RINGS costs less than the one Tiffany Twist Ring?!?!?! I asked him if I could take both and he said, of course I could :D

And that's how I ended up with my new HANDMADE gold trinkets! For the very special price of $410 combined - I could not be happier!

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