Thursday, September 12, 2013

and so it begins.....

I think the post's title was inspired by a line from one of Peter Jackson's Tolkein movies. In fact, I'm even gonna throw in part of the title of his last movie which was "There and Back Again". Cos that's exactly what Kimi Raikkonen has done. He went there, he left and now he's back there again.

Yup, he gambled on Red. Sigh. This means, as much as I loathe it, I too will ultimately pledge my allegiances there when next season rolls around. Hence, let's clear the air so to speak. I am going to write an open letter to the 3 main parties involved. We'll start with Blondie.....


Kimi Matias Raikkonen, you better well know what you're doing! If I get even a hint of discontentment coming from your side of the garage, I can't promise I won't get entirely upset and just ditch you to your own devices. There just comes a time when you have to tell yourself enough is enough. And if you did not learn any lessons from your first go-around there, then I can only tell you what you get is deserved. Be smart and play hard cos you can bet the other side of the garage will be doing their damndest. I will support you but I can't say it will be unconditional if you find yourself getting struck by lightning AGAIN!


To the Horses (LdM, SD et al.), if you do not treat him with the respect he deserves, I (and ultimately the other couple thousand Kimi fans) WILL definitely wish you more of the bad karma you've been enduring since your first parting of ways. You should understand by now the issues of the past and ensure there are no repeats in this regard between yourselves and the Kimster. I am willing to let bygones be bygones but lest you think I forget what's past, that does not happen - I have an elephant's memory. Benefit of doubt is the only thing I can extend. Fair play is all I expect of thee.


Alfredo, Alfredo, Alfredo. What can I really say to you. How about some frank honesty? I have never liked you. Throughout your first Renault stint, I would in fact say I hated you with a burning passion. I called you mean nicknames. Over the years though, that loathing has turned to indifference. Some of my old blog posts will attest to that. On the topic of your arrival to Maranello at my Iceman's expense - I cannot truly begrudge you shoving Kimi out of his Ferrari seat and ultimately depriving me of F1 but let's just say that karma is a bitch, aint it Fred? All those near misses I'm sure leave a scar on your samurai heart. Needless to say but will be said nonetheless, your psyche may have been affected too what with the ridiculous warrior stuff you love to spout. You're my age dude, stop being weird! Parting words: Let's be mature, let's do the politicking with the driving, ok Nando?

So cheers to this 2nd coming of the ice age to Maranello. May it yield good rewards for one (Kimi) and all (Ferrari - yes, a little for FA too, you can be just behind the Kimster, k?)!

Forza Kimi!


And I now end the crazy :-)


