Friday, May 9, 2014

watched.....the right kind of wrong

Just like the other movie I tried to watch and couldn't finish, this too did not manage to hook me. Again, perhaps I am old or whatever but Ryan Kwanten's Leo was such a loser dude. I didn't find him charming at all! Which woman would truly give up her amazing lawyer, philanthropist, ex-Olympic skier husband for this flighty dude who apparently feels being a dishwasher is the noblest of professions whilst he tries his hand at NOT writing the great American novel since all I ever saw him do was indulge his every stupid whim and fancy.

He fucking decided he was in love with some chick he saw kick a football over the roof of his house on the day she married the fantastic and good-looking Olympic medalist. So sue me for not wanting to suspend reality for this shitty romantic comedy. I just fast forwarded to the end to make sure this rom-com was gonna go down the predictable path it was gonna go on and it did not disappoint. Or it did disappoint since I was hoping that there was some redeeming quality about it in that Leo would finally realize that he needed to get his shit together or else girls he fancy would not be leaving their fab hubbies for men like him. What a douche and what jackasses wanted women to believe that this was romantic at all apparently have no common sense.