Saturday, April 4, 2009

what Malaysian oil giant PETRONAS wants you to know about F1 drivers

I'm usually a fan of all things F1 but there's this new tv ad being shown that I feel is inappropriate. The ad showcases the tough conditions faced by F1 drivers in a single race, comparing those conditions to relatively relatable daily occurences. For example, one scene of a boxer being punched in the face is comparative to the G force a Formula 1 driver is under when he takes a corner at high speed. Times that with the number of corners a race track has and multiply that further with the number of race laps and yea, that is mighty gruelling. That's fine, it makes me understand the physical pressures the driver goes through. I completely respect the high level of fitness they have.

What I find distasteful is the shot of firefighters attempting to get into a building being ravaged by a raging fire. This is apparently similar to the heat an F1 driver has to endure in a race. Be that as it may.....c'mon, I found it completely ridiculous to compare the two. Firefighters are doing it to save lives, a service to their communities. It's a dangerous job that requires enormous courage. I find comparing the hazards of their job to that of an F1 driver laughable. F1 drivers, admittedly can be in dangerous positions, are nonetheless paid millions and are mainly in it to serve a multi billion dollar industry.

The people behind that ad idea could have found some other similar situation to compare the heat conditions. Another comparison of the increased heart rate of up to 200 bpm the drivers experience during the length of a race to that of a rescue diver in an emergency deep sea man overboard situation is also in poor taste. The people who approved the ad, and I believe it was sanctioned by the sports governing body, should have been more sensitive to the idiocy of the idea. Maybe I'm the only one who found that part of the ad incomprehensible. I don't care, it was just tasteless.