Tuesday, April 28, 2009

quirky (Ice)man thoughts

Since starting this blog and having an outlet to express all my Formula 1 Kimi Raikkonen obsession, writing about them so much these past weeks coupled with the non-stop googling, I just came to the realization that my "relationship" with Kimi is coming up to 8 years. Wow! I hadn't realize that I've invested that much time yelling at the television for this one man. It is outstandingly the longest non-familial relationship I have ever had with a guy. LOL! Whoever implied I'm commitment-phobe just don't know about Kimi and moi :P

Go figure that I can commit this long to a guy and he happens to be, most definitely, without a doubt, unattainable. His wife is a former Ms Scandinavia for god's sake! But to be honest, I don't have a crush on the guy, I don't exactly know why I've latched on to him with such fervent adoration. It's not that he isn't good-looking or a character (read: interesting personality) but my feelings for him are non-romantic. I have no idea why it is so important to me that this one man does well in his career, that I defend him when critics (read: annoying older sisters and ill informed friends) slag him off and that I'm ecstatic when he achieves success. Perhaps it's some sporting supporter syndrome like all those football fans who are fanatical about the football teams and go all hooligan-ish and such. God only knows but I wonder if it will continue once he leaves F1.....well, if he continues to race, say in rally, and it's broadcast, I'll still catch him on tv I guess :D

OK, off to watch the Bahrain GP race highlights. Can't get enough of the guy's performance.....hehehe, sounds kinda dirty :P