Saturday, April 30, 2011

totally blanking on a title

Just as I'm about to start typing up this post I can hear the day maid The Company employs tooting her horn outside the gates. Hang on a sec while I run down and let her in......

Ok, am back and apparently I heard someone else honking, she's already inside the complex and getting to work. Oh well, gave me a chance to go down and wash the brekkie dishes. Had a half boiled egg with two buttered toast washed down with a choclate mint accented coffee with a sprinkling of cinnamon sugar. I concocted the drink myself, not as tasty as I imagined, I was expecting something along the lines of Gloria Jeans's peppermint coffee drink but mine was a weak iteration. Perhaps I need stronger choclate pieces to dilute in the drink and add in some cocoa powder. I was using Cadbury's Dairy Milk chocolate peppermint that comes in the small round shapes so perhaps the peppermint filling is a little on the light side.

Anyway's I just thought I'd do a lil blogging cos Zlena's been lazy on that front this year :) It's not like life has stopped being bloggable (hehe, need to google and see if this is already an accepted dictionary word) but I've just been too darn lazy to do the blogging. Seems like every blog post that I've done recently consistently mentions how lazy I am to blog so why beat on that same door some more. Onwards to other thoughts plaguing my mind this lazy (another recurring theme :D) Saturday morning.

Yesterday was the wedding between Prince William and Catherine. I wasn't so much interested in the hoopla beforehand but when it came down to the day itself, I decided to turn on BBC and ended up watching the coverage for a good four hours. I have to admit I did feel a tad teary and I'm not even British. I guess it's because I lived my formative years in England during the early Diana-Charles years at the time the whole country were in love with the fairytale of the couple that I just could not help feel nostalgic about those days. Looking around the world where it is today, I can't help but be grateful I managed to grow up in a decidedly less charged time than what we live in today. And I also got caught up in the happiness and hope of the whole wedding atmosphere. People were just hanging out with each other and being happy. It was truly indicative of the power this wedding celebration exuded in managing to bring people of different colour and creed together peacefully. Overall, a truly beautiful ceremony.

Aside from that, I'll be leaving to Homeland next Thursday for a wedding within my own family - my eldest cousin on my mum's side is getting married. It's a tale most common in today's age of technology - they met via Facebook, brickbatted for about 3 months and got engaged on January 1st this year. The nuptials are set for Friday the sixth and the reception is being held the day after hence I am flying home Thursday so I can attend both. I will be back to Workland on the ninth but two days after on the twelfth I am headed out to the 'Pearl of the Orient' (I think that's what Hong Kong is known as, is it not???) for the company retreat - can't wait! I have a list of things I am going to buy since I've been a really, really, really good girl on the online shopping front and bought NOTHING aside from using my dollars at the start of the month and a pair of Gap bootcut jeans that cost me about USD35 at the local Gap store.

Oh, other happenings in the land of Zlena, I shared with my eldest sis and got my dad an iPad. Since they were going for cheaper what with the iPad 2 coming out and my dad surely appreciating technology as he does, why not get my dad an early father's day gift. He had been saving up some cash to get himself the iPad anyways. Is it excessive that my home in Homeland is a 3 iPad household and that my nephew and 2 nieces are rather expert at using them? My sister's youngest is only 4 and she's rather good at playing Angry Birds - certainly better than me. Well, until I decided to really get into the whole Angry Bird movement that is :D

What else, what else? I am guessing my ramblings are rather long as it is now. Ummmm, I will probably do an update into my whole shopping expeditions of the past couple of months. I have gotten all my stuff bar for the last haul which I realized just now I didn't even do a post on, hehe. I've been really happy with all my purchases especially some of the beauty products I got like the 2 Urban Decay setting sprays, All-Nighter and De-Slick, as well as the Ambi Fade cream. I'm also finally getting the hang of the Skin79 BB cream and Jane Iredale foundation compact that I got last year. After experimenting around with my face products, I think I've found my daily makeup routine. Oh, another new love of mine is the Queen Helene Mint Julep masque - works wonders on my skin. I'm also thinking my dietary supplement routine of Doctor's Best vitamin D3 1000IU and Murad Pure Skin Clarifying tablets are also helping along my skin situation. I'm on my third bottle of the Murad pills and have another 3 in stock. Those will likely last me quite a bit before I have to replenish as I have started dosing down beginning with this 3rd bottle. I am only taking 2 pills a day and at 120 tablets per bottle, it should last me 2 months. I could possibly not have to get any new bottles till November :D

Oooh, yes, I forgot to mention that I have received my really cute iPod nano and it's pink. My gal pals and I actually had a vote on what colour they would get me cos none of them agreed to my initial pick of graphite. I'm glad the colour I liked second best won in the end :D I have been using it primarily as my pedometer and it has been working out great. I hope to be able to find a quality watch strap for it in HK since it's one of the techiest places in the world, lol - is that even a word and if it is, the right way of using the term?

Ok, ok, I can ramble on and on so I'll stop here and hopefully there will be a second wind to more consistent postings. Toodles!