Tuesday, April 5, 2011

i know, i know

I've been very, very, very bad about jotting down my thoughts when I really should be kicking things up a notch what with my fading memory and all <- a story for a different post, if I can remember it ;P

It's just life. Living life just got in the way of my blogging about it. Life has been throwing me tons of curveballs and I've been busy trying to hit them outta the park to avoid getting knocked out by them. Hmmm, seems like the blog is getting 'Introspective Zlena' today. Anyways, I just wanted to post something cos it seemed kinda sad that my last blog post about the iPod Nano accessories was waaaay back in early March and then I just went quiet and lo and behold! It's April!

Too many things have happened to me and some good, some, super-fantastic, some downright bad. If I can find it within me, I'll try to blog about it. I'm sorry blog for being lazy, I do love having you as my 'creative' outlet.