Tuesday, March 20, 2012

OMG, i'm just beyond obsessed!

I kinda forgot how insane I get with F1Kimi. Now that the races have started, I think I'm off the charts. It's not even raceday, let alone free practice 1 and I am having the nervous butterflies constantly. It's so uncomfortable. You know that jitteriness that you can physically feel up to your fingertips - somewhat discomfiting and a little painful - I'm having it right now! It's annoying! Ok, it could also be down to the new thermo pills I'm taking, Burn 60 from GNC. That could be a contributing factor. But the Burn 60 is not the one making me obsessively clicking refresh on Google News for the latest in Kimi updates. I get impatient when I see nothing new - even if it's just another news outlet repeating news I've already read, I just want something new.

Zlena, get a grip!