Sunday, November 30, 2008

google, conquering the planet one tech app at a time

Is it just me or is Google taking over the world? For the past couple of years I have read and heard of Google acquiring companies left, right, front and back. Their acquisitions are diverse, they practically have their 10 long and far-reaching fat fingers in multiple technological pies. Can you believe that a company starting out as primarily a search engine site has now gone on to own the stellar tech revolution that is YouTube and also produce it's own mobile OS, Android all in a span of 2 years? And they are now venturing into radio and print publications. I also noticed them giving PayPal a run for their money with a service they call Google Checkout.

Want to place a bet that sooner rather than later it'll be a Google World we'll be living in. All payments must be made via Google Checkout once I win. And the world at large were worried about Microsoft. Sneaky :)