Wednesday, November 5, 2008

a wave of change! Three wows does not really cover it but I don't want to repeat myself. I never thought I'd personally get to be around on the day (as in alive for history in the making stuff) but I am and it has happened. Simply an outstandingly positive growth in civilization for all involved.

On another note of positivity, Democracy has spoken, loudly I might add. The '08 election has proven that it prevails and is still relevant despite everything the outgoing administration has put, not only America, but also the world through. As a citizen of the world, I can only say I am as excited as the next person being able to bear witness in the ushering of this new era of leadership. Personally, I don't expect miracles but I'm sure, like everyone else who is an invested citizen, am hoping to see positive change on all fronts. Bring on January 20, 2009!