Saturday, November 29, 2008

that treadmill won't run itself

Ok, admittedly, I don't own a treadmill nor a gym membership that has one nor do I run in the streets because running in a smoggy metropolis isn't my idea of keeping healthy. But that's my point, in my advancing years, the desire to keep fit has grown stronger. Basically, it's a nagging voice that keeps on reminding me to shape up or I'll flab out but despite the spurts of enthusiam I have throughout the year, it almost always dies off two weeks into my newly rescucitated regime. The only semi-consistent 'exercise' that I do is switching on the Wii and having a rousing game of WiiSports bowling where, and I do mean to brag, I have managed to bowl perfect scores a number of times. Laughs, ok, my perfect bowling score does not translate in a real game of bowling at the lanes but I'm proud of it anyways.

I'm not overweight by any means and my urge to keep fit isn't necessarily motivated by a desire to drop sizes as I'm in a healthy 4-6 range but to see the elasticity of your skin become less taut is a scary thing for me, however superficial I might come across. I have an inherently weird fear of double chins, cankles and saggy knees. I don't want to see my boobs drop down to my knees in 10 years because I didn't have the foresight to tone up in my younger days. So in that respect, I understand the call of my body to get up and get healthy.

I've never been the exercise-y type and when I do it's mainly walks/semi-jogs around the neigbourhood and jump ropes. I can only remember going to the gym once in my entire life back in '03 as someone's plus one, a recruiting gimmick the gym she went to had. I enjoyed my day there as there was a bottomless drinks station and her personal trainer was mucho tasty looking. In my much younger days, I did do the cycling and rollerblading thing that kids/teens do but EVERYONE was and you weren't cool if you didn't. I love dancing, whether I'm any good at it is not the issue, and can work up a sweat on the dance floor but since I've given up club-hopping in lieu of early nights that has no longer helped in keeping the flab at bay. And let's not leave out the 2 exercise videos I did buy, a Pilates and Yoga dvd that has been used approximately 3 times since purchase.

In the past 2 years, on and off I have managed to rouse myself for a coupla weeks every 3 months or so to get off my butt and do a lil bit of jump ropes, about 1200 reps a day, or 2 hours of Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) on the Wii but once the tediousness of having to wash my hair every day sets in and then having to put up with the hair damage as I dry (or more likely fry) it for work so it doesn't look like a rat's nest, my resolve starts to weaken. But as the new year approaches, I want to make exercising a more ongoing part of my life and in the spirit of preparing for making changes, I got myself a WiiFit :D

Now, some people think that video game consoles do not promote healthy lifestyles but having experienced the Wii, I can attest you can sweat up buckets air-boxing or DDR-ing. There have been a few incidences, while DDR-ing, of my slipping on my own sweat on the dance pad, which is a safety issue to debate another time, and if it weren't for the bore of listening to the same music day in, day out, I would have stuck with it much longer. If only they had a feature to include your own music and based on that the game would devise the dance moves I'm sure the boredom factor would not bear down so easily. Perhaps a later version of the DDR will do this. One can only hope.

So anyways, I resisted the WiiFit revolution for more than half a year, perhaps partly due to the fact you could never find it in stores, they're always sold out but with the deals these holidays, I decided to splurge out and get it. After 3 days of 'testing', I believe I can say without a doubt that WiiFit is a fit for me! Lol, ok, I'm simply being lame in this post but I seriously think this amazing piece of technology was created for people like yours truly, as in having an aversion to the gym, whatever the reasons may be (mine would be a self-conciousness in gym clothes). WiiFit has 4 basic exercise activities; Yoga, Muscle Workouts, Aerobics and Balance. I've always wanted to try yoga and having a digitized trainer makes it easier for me to follow than having a real person as then I am not constantly wondering if they are silently assessing (I know that sounds paranoid and quite self-involved but everyone's allowed their weird hang-ups). I also have to say, the exercise in the muscle-building/toning section is tough, I could not complete the 6 reps of push-ups which made me feel fairly embarassed at my lack of upper arm strength. And the rest of the activities, whether virtual skiing, step class or walking a tight rope, are just as fun and sweat-inducing as well.

As with all new and shiny things, the novelty is a motivating factor but I'm hoping that this will ultimately translate to a long term commitment on my part. I'm putting this in writing as a note to myself to bank in the hours as my ongoing good health and non-sagginess is important to me. I know it's not only about watching the food that you eat but maintaining the body as well and if this will allow me to continue my love affair with Cheetos while still being able to comfortably fit into my Levis then bring on the exercise. Vanity is a driving motivator ain't it?

Wish me luck!