Wednesday, October 7, 2009

the essence of girl next door

I was reading Jennifer Aniston's interview with Elle for their September issue and have come away with an even higher regard of her. And so, it's inspired me to share my thoughts on her. I've ALWAYS liked Jennifer Aniston. Ever since I was turned onto Friends and became obsessed with the whole Ross-Rachel dynamic for the ensuing 10 years. She just manages to draw you in and get behind the spoiled daddy's girl who morphed into miss independance. I still tear up when I watch the last epi in which they get back togther for the final time.

Anyways, after the series ended, she completely immersed herself into movies and has rarely looked back since. Aside from guest stints on the now defunct Courteney Cox show Dirt (which I loved) and Tina Fey's 30 Rock, she has been a box office staple. Jennifer Aniston is also one of the most photographed women in the world and her laidback sense of style is admired by millions. In part, I think that's what makes her charming. That she doesn't appear to try so hard to impress you with her sense of fashion. Most of the time, her looks are so simple yet stylish. SHE is my definition of effortless chic. I mean a simple tank and cargo pants combo looks fantastic on her.

Ok, so I'm going to touch on the "love triangle". When she first got together with Brad Pitt, I never thought that it would end up in marriage. I have never found Brad Pitt attractive. Yes, yes, I'm very much in the minority here but my first impression of him was in "Legends of The Falls" and despite the brilliant performance in the movie, the long hair was and still is a turn-off. So is his square jaw. I'm not saying I don't think he's good-looking but between him and Eli Roth, I'll pick Eli anyday.

But after they married and he appeared on the show (at which time I would say he looked his hottest), I thought, well, they do make a lovely couple and it was only then that I squarely got behind them as a couple. As much as I cared to that is which was not much at all. Let's just say I didn't think they made such an odd pairing anymore.

When the whole Angie Jolie thing happened, I did pick a side and my support clearly rested with Jennifer Aniston. Aside from the horrible worthless drivel that is "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" (seriously, what chemistry were people talking about?), I feel that Angelina Jolie is a cold public figure. And if they had not done that photoshoot so soon after the breakdown of Brad Pitt and Jen's marriage, I probably wouldn't feel such disdain towards her either. The whole "we're just good friends" routine was, I felt, quite insulting in the wake of that spread.

But, what's passed is past and I don't believe the nonsense being written about Jen A in the tabloids. Sad, lonely Jen. The rags have been banging this beat for years. Is there seriously no other gossip worthy story for them to report on? Why is it that she appears every other week on one rag or another that proclaims her bad luck in love? Get over it. Brad and her just didn't work. He's with Angelina Jolie. She has moved on. Why keep bringing it up and throwing it in her face? Are they expecting her to have a public meltdown. If she didn't do so back then what makes them think she's going to give them the satisfaction anytime soon. And really, she comes across as this pragmatic person with a list of accomplishments. She's more than a player in the demise of her marriage. Yet, all things end up referring to that one event. I guess at this point, she's just resigned. Whatever it is, the tabloids will just want to report on what they want to believe.