Monday, October 12, 2009

random useless thoughts that plague me

It's coming up to the one year anniversary of my blogging start. Ok, restart. I've been lax of late. Been too preoccupied with life to be writing about it. That sounds snooty but that's not my intention. I've just been consumed with what I perceive is important to me that I don't have the energy to even blog about.

Not like if I did it'll be news-worthy anyways. All I've been doing for the past two weeks since returning to work is obsess over Kimi Raikkonen. Yup. I have to admit, before I regularly blogged about F1 and Kimi, I never really understood the depth of my devotion but it really does creep me out that I'm overly concerned about the man. Makes me think if there's a deeper psychological meaning to the whole thing. Like, am I fixated on him to fill some kind of void in my life? It might be, who knows. I'm still on the fence when it comes to psychology because it's all too ambiguous. Is there or isn't there a right answer or is everything up for interpretation?

See what I mean? Anyways. I have been in complete Kimi meltdown. I'm on the Kimi thread at the Planet F1 forum because they filter in news faster than google news can. Oh yea, I've abandoned google news in favour of other rabid Kimi Raikkonen fans who are just as wacky about the guy as I am. I take comfort in the fact that I'm not the only one. I'm completely grateful to them for being able to feed me Kimi news at a press of the refresh button. There's usually someone posting any hour of the day since his groupie's come from far and wide. Probably spans the whole timezone :)

As usual, when there's a lull between GP weekends, it gets slow on the F1 news front. So that means I actually had a lil time to focus on other non-Kimi activities. Like visit all my favourite online hangout sites. Read The Lost Art Of Keeping Secrets and fell in love with Harry. Watched The Ugly Truth and The Proposal. Hey Katherine Heigl, girl, you're being pigeon-holed! How many more movies are you going to make playing the uptight , prissy type who is taught how to loosen up by jack a-holey guys you end up falling in love with in the end? Knocked UP, 27 Dresses, The Ugly Truth. Seth Rogen, James Marsden, Gerard Butler. Jackasses all of them but with a bit of a sweet side

Okay then, I've run out of silly things to type up. Cheerio!