Monday, October 12, 2009

the first step is admitting you have a problem

So here I am confessing. I am a serial procrastinator. Ok, this doesn't make me unique or terribly flawed. I'm sure more than half of the world's population is afflicted with this problem as well.

Sigh. I have been lazy on the blogging front. It's coming up to one year since I started my blog. I can't believe time has passed by so quickly. Anyways, as October 28th draws close, I decide that I'm just not in the mood to do any posting.

I say posting because I've got over 10 half-baked posts languishing on my netty. I'll write them halfway or two-thirds and then give up. I can't seem to make that final stretch. It's a conundrum to me why it's so. For my own sake, I'll try to give myself the kick in the arse I obviously need to keep myself going. The ideas are there, I just need to finish them.

So, for October's post numero uno, the noteworthy activity, the point of interest, the newsflash is.....I finally concluded two days of scrubbing solidified oil from my deep fryer and now my hands and nails are ruined. LOL, yes, the only thing of interest I can come up with right now is that. It's either this or I talk about Kimi and F1 and I'm kinda sick of me going on and on about it. Half of my unfinished jottings is about Kimi and F1 so I'll just leave it till I'm ready.

So anyways, it really did take me two days. I started on Sunday evening, spent about an hour and a half scrubbing and rubbing and dousing it with soap before soaking the whole thing in hot water and leaving it overnight and a day since I had to go to work today. I came back at 6 pm and immediately got on to it again. Now my hands are peeling and my nails are brittle and jagged from all the chemicals and the scrubbing. And no, I did not wear any marigolds so yes, serves me and my hands right. But I have a shiny, clean deep fryer to show for it and I have to say, it gave me great pleasure to scour the thing clean. And now, I'm going to hold off on using it for as long as I can :D

It's damn hard work. Much respect to restaurant workers who have to clean those industrial size fryers. It's a dirty job for sure.