Monday, May 31, 2010

weekend chit chat

Aside from the baking and general housekeeping I did over the weekend, I also updated my tv series stash. Most of the shows I watch have now ended but there are a few that I still haven't gotten around to watching. The last four epis of LOST for example. I'm only a teensy bit spoiled but still have no clue how everything goes down. I have a feeling I'm going to come away feeling unsatisfied.

So, instead, I've been catching up on Private Practice. And downloading the remaining epis of Flash Forward which as of right now is one of the numerous shows I watch that has been cancelled. I did like the premise but it does seem like a stretch on how the show runners were going to, well, stretch the story arc beyond a season. I would have liked to see them try nonetheless.

And of course, what would my weekend be if I didn't feed my current obsession du jour by Youtube-ing Lee DeWyze pre-Idol performances. I think, like a lot of other people who have watched them, I come away with the feeling that I would've liked to see him sing in his pre-Idol days. He appears to be more comfortable performing then than he does on the Idol stage. But that could probably be because he's already downed liquid courage and is feeling less inhibited, LOL.

Most of the videos of him, you'll see he's got a bottle/mug in hand or on standby so I would expect that downing some form of alcohol is a pre-show ritual, hehehe. Not too sure that they allow that on Idol hence the major nerves you see him display on the show. He is weirdly funny when he's drunk or halfway there anyways. There's a video of him singing Simple Man and at the end he shouts, "F@#k, yeah!" or something along those lines. I assume he was feeling good about the song and his singing. I giggled at the thought of him actually doing that at the end of his Final 3 performance. That woulda been a completely LMAO moment. Sober Lee is adorable, intoxicated Lee is hilarious. Not that I condone excessive drinking and not that I'm implying he drinks a lot. I would presume it's like that for most people, that the alchohol makes them less self-conscious to allow them to do something they normally would be too shy/nervous to do.

The guy's dorky too. Which is something a lot of women find appealing. I was watching a clip of him on Ellen a day prior to the sing-off finale and he participated in this audience game and blanked on a Q about which 2 countries border Niagara Falls. Ellen gave Canada and he was supposed to answer the second country which even to my 6 year old nephew is obvious that it's the States but he had a blonde moment (sorry, blondes!) and that's not what you wanna do on Ellen's tv show. Oh, you could see him really beating himself up about it, he couldn't recover throughout the rest of the game, it just threw him off and he was really embarassed about it. It was really cute. I'm sure those close to him really ragged on him for that. I would have :)

Yeah, so I spent my time giggling at the adorkable cuteness of America's 9th idol. At least I got major laughs out of it and it took my mind off of my back:D

of silicone and cup.....

cakes :D Ok, well not exactly cupcakes, more like muffins but I can't do a play on words with, "of silicone and muffins". That just sounds weird and awkward.

Over the weekend, as I'm trying to recover from the most annoying and oft times painful back pain due to a spill I took last Monday which probably aggravated my pre-existing back issues (this year seems to be the start of major back discomfort for me), I decided to test out my Starfrit Gourmet Multicolor Silicone Reusable Muffin Liners (ain't that a mouthful).

Since, I anticipated not being able to stand around too long I went for the ready-made variety instead of making the muffins from scratch. I always like the Betty Crocker line and my favourite is definitely the Banana Walnut mix. It's really simple, just add half a cup of water, mix it all up and your batter is ready for the oven. However, since getting into the whole baking thing, I like to try to compensate for the overall ready-made nature by doing the extra stuff suggested on the back of the package. For the Banana Walnut mix, they suggest substituting half cup of milk for water, adding a tablespoon of veggie oil, mixing in one egg and to give it more rise, a tablespoon of flour (I used all-purpose variety). This is supposed to give it a homemade feel.....whatever that means.

After lumping all the ingredients together (adding some chocolate chips as well) and mixing them up, the batter was ready in less than 15 minutes. That's the beauty of these instant variety, it takes the guesswork out of ingredient measurements and saves time. Less a sense of accomplishment with the end result but if it gets me off my feet faster, I'm all for it.

I got 2 packs of the cup cake molds but since my batter would accommodate only 6 cups, I needed only one pack. The mold holds firm on its own and even once batter has been scooped in, it maintains its shape which makes me happy since I hate when the batter makes the paper cups go all wonky once they are in. Plus, no need to use a baking tray. Once I cleaned out the batter, evenly distributing into the 6 molds, I slipped them inside the oven and left them there for about 30 minutes.

I am truly happy with the end result. The muffins didn't stick to the sides, in fact, once cooled, they actually seperate slightly themselves. The molds allow for the muffins to be evenly baked through. I'm really surpised by how well the appearance of the muffins turned out as in my past experience, half of my muffins end up misshapen due to the paper mold or the baking tray not being able to accommodate the rise.

I wished I hadn't been so eager to scarf down the muffins and actually take the time to take a pic of em but well, my enthusiasm ate them all. Not in one go, over the spread of two days, I'm not that much of a glutton.

So, the verdict on the Starfrit Gourmet Silicone Reusable Muffin Liners: two thumbs up and a high five. They're great :D Image is courtesy of

Thursday, May 27, 2010

the coronation of the ninth American idol

Despite coming late to the Lee DeWyze lovefest, I am completely stoked that I got to see him anointed America's choice live via satellite.

The 2-hr show started early, 7 am my time. Which was perfect as the end of the show coincided with the start of my meeting at the head office. The reason to why I was able to watch the telecast as it was going on instead of the repeat in the evening once I returned from the project site wasn't a happy one. I had to be at the HQ this morning as I was needed to be present at an employee termination meeting. I will admit I was erring on the unprofessional side this morning but under the unpleasant circumstances I was going to encounter later, I just wanted a lil bit of good news in the form of a Lee DeWyze win.

And it was good news I got, great news in fact. The telecast was running over and I was getting antsy for the results to be announced as I was already due to run into the meeting room for the 9 o'clock appointment. The moment Ryan announced Lee as the winner and his name flashed on the jumbotron in the background, I let out a silent but elated 'YES!' and immediately turned off the TV so I could rush down to the meeting. The last images I saw were of the fireworks display going off in Lee's hometown of Mount Prospect, Illinois. I will admit that in the back of my mind, I was torn between staying a few minutes more to watch him sing Beautiful Day but the professional in me won that battle and I went to assist in crushing someone's day/life.

I just finished rewatching the finale and am so touched by Lee's victory moment. He truly appears to be awed, humbled and completely grateful for his win. I have not seen a more honest reaction from a contestant in the years since I started following American Idol (Fantasia's year). I still stand by that I have been moved by this seasons' contestants the most out of any other season. Maybe because I like the singer/songwriter types and this season was chock-full of 'em. I also liked how unbelievably likeable most of the Top 12 were and it was easy to root supportively for everyone without feeling as if you truly needed to pick a camp.

The highlights of the finale show, besides Lee's winning moment, was Crystal's duet with Alanis Morissette, the season 9 contestants singing with Alice Cooper, Casey's duet with Bret Michaels (which I simply found amazing since the guy was in the ICU with a brain haemorrage a coupla weeks ago), the girls performing Christina Aguilera's Fighter, the boys perfomance with Daryl Hall & John Oates, Lee singing Chicago's If You Leave Me Now in a falsetto (?) I've never heard him use before, the moment right before the winner's announcement when both Lee and Crystal held onto each other for support; completely underlining their mutual respect, friendship and love for one another and of course, Lee singing Beautiful Day as a most heartfelt thank you to all those who supported him throughout his journey.

And I managed to get all these moments despite the fact that the finale was hijacked by the Simon Cowell farewell party. LOL, don't get me wrong, I love SiCo (I even had a crush on him during the Carrie Underwood season) and will definitely miss him but it completely detracted from the event at hand; crowning the 9th American Idol. I did enjoy the tributes though, funny and touching all rolled in one. Basically, the finale was great times all around for me.

I'll admit I'm a tiny bit sad because the season has ended and my weekly fix of Lee and to a slightly lesser degree, Casey and Crystal, is over. But I cannot wait for Lee's album (and Casey's and Crystal's as well). I am trying to ignore the haters of this season who say that both finalist are basically forgettable and won't make a mark. It's a different type of season so I just wish they would stop whining for an Adam Lambert style of performance cos looking at this crop of contestants, it's not their thing to be flashy. They're more about the songs and the connection than they are about the showmanship. Call me dull, boring, whatever but I like my musicians to be about substance.

So, Lee DeWyze wins the crown and I honestly hope he can sustain the momentum of his win by coming out with a record that will silence all those naysayers who keep going on about how he can't keep two notes on key and other sort of rubbish talk. Don't squander this opportunity, Lee. This is your beginning, the start in which you make people remember the moments in their lives when they heard you sing. Run with it, dude.

P.S: Photo is, again, courtesy of Fox.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

did i not say?!?!?!?

As I predicted, the Lee DeWyze fans rallied and put him on top! I'm so proud and happy for him!




P.S: Photo courtesy of Fox

why i'm a beLEEver

I just realized that my post about why I think Lee should win said nothing about his vocal abilities. Which is completely not the impression I was trying to leave so I felt compelled to rectify that. I don't want to give off the notion that I think of Lee as just a person to crush on without reason. I truly do love the tone and quality of his voice.

His sound is definitely something I would love if I had heard him on the radio. His voice treads in the vein of some of my most favourite bands like Nickelback and Hinder with a lil bit of Fuel. I have a thing for singers with those kind of sound, if I could marry Chad Kroeger's voice, I would :)

So I definitely would listen to a record Lee'd release. In fact, I do have his pre-Idol releases, So I'm Told and Slumberland which I think were good efforts if a tad unpolished. However, I feel his time on American Idol has allowed him to further grow into his voice and given him more direction into his target album demographic. I am completely enchanted by his voice and love every single one of his American Idol iTunes release. His voice and singing resonates deeply with me in the same way Chad Kroeger does in How You Remind Me and Photograph or Hinder's Lips Of An Angel (which incidentally Lee did take on during the second week of the Top 24).

My favourites include his spin on The Boxer, That's Life, Beast Of Burden, A Little Less Conversation, Treat Her Like A Lady, You're Still The One (no doubt about this one since this is what turned the tide for me), Simple Man, Hallelujah, Fireflies and his inspired duet with Crystal Bowersox; Falling Slowly.

Another thing I believe makes Lee a great choice for the crown is his ability to take a song, connect with it and take you along with him for the ride. That's how he manage to get me on board with him. I may have only felt him starting from Shania Twain week but after going back and watching the previous shows, I've been impressed by the way he internalizes a song. And his picks are usually inspired and reflect who he is.

So it's not completely about his good looks, his charming personality and the fact that I'm completely won over by the high opinion other people have expressed of him but it's also a matter of talent and this guy has it. I love, love, love his voice and I just needed it to be clear that that's what comes first.

Having said that and this is after watching the finale, I believe Crystal did the better job. She really brought her A game especially on the last song. Not to say that Lee didn't do well. I think he was awesome on his first song, The Boxer. He changed it a bit from the first time he performed it but it all worked for the better. This performance was muted (in a completely good way) and solid which may not have worked in his favour as people might have been expecting something more showy but I loved it for its simplicity and it truly showcased the type of artist he is. His second song, REM's Everybody Hurts was a great selection by Simon Fuller but I felt this was his worst performance of the night. I did not feel him connect with this song and completely agree with Ellen's assessment that he reined himself in a number of times during this song which left me wanting more from him but not getting it. His last performance which was an interpretation of U2's Beuatiful Day I personally thought was heartfelt and great in its entirety. However, I don't think a lot of people thought like I did since I've been reading a lot of negative feedback on that performance. But I was feeling it and I figured, if he managed to evoke that connection in multiple other households then he's got it made. The point of Beautiful Day is not to outdo Bono or even be a Bono but to give it your own spin and in my eyes he did it.

So, despite Crystal winning the showdown 2-1 (my own personal opinion), I still think Lee could take it because the thing that Lee's got is he's built a loyal following in the past months based on his ability to make people feel the words he's singing. He might not have completely let go for his battle royale but people will still remember his track record and in the end, I believe it's really about taking into account the season in its entirety and not just one single night. Whichever way the votes swing, congratulations to both of them. To Lee, I will look out for your record. Your voice moves me.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

it's yours for the taking, bring it home, Lee

Tonight's the night. Lee vs Crystal. I sooo wish I could watch this live but, alas, I don't live in the States so boo. I've never been this invested in AI before, lol.

I'm still holding firm in my conviction that it's Lee's crown to lose. And for good measure, I'm posting these screen caps I took on Saturday of voting polls on The Hollywood Gossip and, clearly showing the people's choice.

Ok, objectively, it could be the majority of Lee supporters have nothing better to do than partake in useless polls like this (moi included) but at least they care enough to do it :)

I'm really exhausted this past week. I've been doing more DeWyze digging and reading practically whatever online article that I can find on him. Mainly cos after I read a coupla stuff about him, he intrigued me further. I will admit I went through the entire Lee DeWyze archive. It makes me wonder how nice a guy he is cos through reading all the LATimes LaLaLand exit questionnaire, every single person bar for Lacey Brown and Big Mike, said that the Idol contestant they would miss most is Lee. How likeable is this dude?

Anyways, best of luck to both contestants. I do like Crystal Bowersox and if she does win, I won't begrudge her. But I definitely want my main man, Lee, to take it home. I mean, look at that picture (courtesy of LA Times, I couldn't resist), how much more adorable can the guy look? Yea, I'm so far gone on the Lee DeWyze river that I can't be saved anymore.

It's like one commentar on an LA Times article mentioned, Tim and Casey are the out and out good-looking ones in the bunch but put the 3 of 'em at a party and the one who'll get the girl's phone numbers at the end of the night is Lee. There's just something to him that makes you want to get to know him better. Well, I do anyways :)

Ok, off to keep on listening to Crystal and Lee's version of Falling Slowly. I am completely in love with their interpretation, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

i want lee to win this season but i'm afraid it'll change him

My love for Lee DeWyze's voice is growing in leaps and bounds as we near the end of season 9 of American Idol. The fact that he's cute does contribute as well.

I've spent the past few weeks since admitting a burgeoning crush on the paint salesman from Mt Prospect, Illinois, downloading past episodes of this season's AI, trying to make a collection of all of his performances since prior to Shania Twain week, I didn't pay attention to Lee's performances. Plus, I was curious about what it was that he said during the Top 24 selection epi that made me instantly loathe him. I finally got my hands on that particular episode and on rewatch I guess you can take what he says two ways; either as confidence in his talent and belief in himself or as a completely arrogant self-involved asshole. My initial reaction was to think the second. Now after the rewatch, I'd say it was more of the first with a little pinch of the second. He wasn't a complete tool but there was a small moment where he came across as jack-assy.

So, yea, I'll admit, as much as I'm on board the Lee DeWyze train now and as much as I'm into his voice and his song choices, I can't help that after watching the semis just a coupla hours ago that the non-too-likeable part of Lee will emerge more. Don't get me wrong, I loved that he looked confident and more at ease, it's just I also felt it might all go to his head at some point and the guy who won over sooooo many people at points of the competition that I didn't get will be lost.

I feel I'm more objective about his performances tonight than the judges were. Although I wholeheartedly concur that he was the best of the three, I don't think the Hallelujah performance was all that epic. It was dramatic, yes, but the moment the choir came to join him, it came across to me as if his voice got lost amid the gospel singers before he regained the upper hand. But I guess you had to be in the theatre cos people were moved and I saw tear-filled eyes in the crowd. At home, I got minor goosebumps close to the end (mainly cos I was watching him get all emo) and a slight feeling of dissatisfaction. I personally believe that his rendition of Simple Man was more powerful and he made me feel THAT song. Again, pitch-wise, there were a few moments in the middle that he wasn't completely spot-on but he delivered that song like you wouldn't believe. My stomach flipped flopped all over the place listening to him.

I guess with Lee, what you will always get to see is his connection with the songs he chooses. And that's what I love about him. He makes great choices week after week (only iffy about Kiss from a Rose) that always makes me come away feeling that he knew what he was singing about. And that's why I'm putting my (figurative) money on Lee DeWyze to win the whole thing. I reverse my earlier prediction about Crystal making it all the way. I am confident that Lee shot pass Crystal during the Frank Sinatra week and he hasn't looked back since. Plus, he has a whole legion of fans that encompass men, women, children and that kinda baffles me. I can't quite put my finger on what makes Lee so likeable to the masses but people just like him. Which pretty much translates to votes, I guess. You just have to look into the audience at the Idol Studio to see the Lee buntings and signs and catcalls that fill the place even when the focus is on someone else.

Lee DeWyze, American Idol champion. Yes, I definitely see that. I will, however, miss the shy, introverted guy I fell for. That part of him is slowly being pushed into the background. But to make it, I guess he needs to. Still, I have major love for Lee DeWyze's voice :) Just like with John Mayer, I don't like the dude but I do listen to his songs.

Oh, before I end this rather long diatribe, I just wanna vent a gripe I have about practically everyone calling this season of Idol an underwhelming bore. For me, i think this is the best season of Idol since Carrie Underwood won. Just a smidge ahead of David Cook's year. I have personally cared for most of the Idol contestants of this season than I ever have about any other season. Hell, I stopped following season 8's dramatics which supposedly featured Idol's most exciting contestant ever (re: Adam Lambert). I dunno, he does not enthrall me as he does the rest of the world. This is the only season since Carrie's year that I actually followed from start to finish without skipping an epi. I usually give up halfway through the Top 12 as it becomes a bore but this season has kept me going. I find this years' contestants better because most of them know who they are and what they want to do musically. They have direction and are grounded which makes me believe in them as musicians. So, I don't see what all these critics are saying about the lack of personality and whatnot. I mean, c'mon, how can you top the season of Adam Lambert in terms of sheer entertainment value?

Monday, May 17, 2010

just checking in

Back from my whirlwind overland trip across the island of Java.

Am catching up on some zzzz's as its always a problem for me to get to sleep when on vacation but I wanted to check in with my speak out space cos I missed her.

Overall, the trip was ab-fab and I loved every minute of it inclusive of the 2 ten-hour bus rides we took, first, from Bandung to Yogyakarta and second, from Solo to Mt Bromo.

Will talk about the trip more when I'm well-rested. Plus, I have piccies of all the luverly material things I bought online as well as on the trip!

Friday, May 7, 2010

i may have offended my colleague

The one who told me he loved me. Well, things have roughly gotten back to where it once was before. Largely because I try to ignore the fact that he ever opened up to me.

Plus, he's been doing his damndest to put aside whatever he feels. He's praying a whole lot. I know this because he sits in front of me and does it. Which is fine, whatever gets you through.

But on the occasions I can't forget, I start to get irritable and I take it out on him. Especially when I catch him looking at me, I'll always stick my chin up and ask in a confrontational tone what he wants. LOL, childish, I know but I can't help resenting him at times.

That's been happening all week but today, as we were making preparations for our trip, he wanted me to show him something at the database server and as I stood to open up the table and which columns to adjust if need be, he stood next to me a bit close and I started rearing back. I feel uncomfortable being too close like that, and to be fair, I feel like that with any guy, but I guess that was one too many subtle perceived insults cos he started snapping, "Look, I'm not touching you, ok? I'm not touching you. You don't have to be scared, I'm not trying to touch you." I immediately defended myself saying he was blocking the light and I couldn't see the monitor clearly, which wasn't a complete lie, he really did block out the light. But I did recoil because of the nearness.

Sigh. Sometimes I don't think things will ever be normal again.

i'm jetting off to jakarta

Tomorrow. Not right this instant. It's been a really hectic week, finalizing our travel arrangements and whatnot and I am exhausted. I nearly came down sick but chugging down cough medicine for two days straight has managed to stave off the onset of a really bad chest cough and now my throat is simply mildly irritated from time to time.

So tomorrow is D-day. I dunno why I'm not more excited. I'm trying to remember if this was exactly how I felt aroundabout the time of the Thai Escapade last year. It probably was. I know I've been majorly stressing over getting everything ready for the 10 people travelling under my responsibility and I cannot wait to relinquish some of that burden when we meet up with the rest of our party during the 2 hr transit. At least then, the burden doesn't all fall on me.

I have barely looked at the travel itinerary provided and am actually unaware of the sequence of places we'll be visiting nor any other activities. I've simply been focusing on my end of the planning. Now, all I have to do is make sure all 10 people get to the airport on time, get our luggage checked in all the way to Jakarta and get us through immigration and on to that plane and perhaps, perhaps then I can breathe a sigh of relief.

I'm also a bit bummed that my F+C Mid City is not making its way on time so I will not have an opportunity to use it on this retreat. But it's estimated to be arriving on the 11th so I'll still manage to get my hands on it before coming back here. At the very least, am still mucho, mucho, tres excited about getting my hands on all the other stuff. Everything else I ordered has arrived and I will be able to use my RuMe ALL bag on the trip at least.

Okay, feeling a teensy wee bit more excited now :) Oh, and I thought I'd also confess that my Lee DeWyze crush has completely gone cosmic. It does make me feel somewhat grossed out that he's years younger than I am but hell, I have to be realistic, these days, most of the men I find attractive ARE younger than I am. I just have to learn to live with that. Can't feel squicked out all the time, can I?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

i have a teensy crush on Lee DeWyze

LOL, I'm pretty embarassed about it. I didn't even like him prior to this week's Shania Twain episode. Most times, I have the TV in the living room on and I'm in the bedroom, I don't even bother to run out for his performance.

It's not that I don't think he can sing. Perhaps his first impression on me wasn't particularly flattering. It was during Hollywood week and he said something quite arrogant and it just put me off. Aside from that, I think he has a great voice and week after week he pulls off the renditions. I just didn't root for him and I will admit that there was a bit of mild disdain.

I'll also admit I like looking at Casey James and the cuteness that is Tim Urban. I don't have any illusions that they are the best in the bunch but I was proud to see Tim Urban's constant improvement throughout the weeks. In Casey's case (hehe), he had my support with his rendition of "Heaven". Since then, I've been rooting for him cos I think he's a good performer. Ok, I'm not completely blinded by looks nor gender biased, I do like Crystal Bowersox and believe she'll be this year's winner with Lee runner-up (and this was even before I started liking DeWyze).

Then Shania week came up. I love "You're Still The One", I have history with that song and it always brings about good feelings. I was excited to see if my favourite song from her songbook would be performed. Half of me thought I'd love to see it done, the other half thought it would be suicide for anyone to do it. When the tape played and I found out Lee was performing this song, I felt ambivalent and I did hate him a little because I felt, if anyone should be performing this song then it shoulda been Casey as I wholly believed he would have hit this one outta the ballpark. I waited for Lee to start as his segment with Shania ended. I watched him open his mouth to begin, his voice came out hesitant, changing the intro a lil. I found I was ok with that, it still sounded good, still recognizable and I continued to watch his performance. Just waiting for him to tank the song beyond recognition cementing my opinion of him further.

And as I watched, in the middle of his second verse, he cracked a smile. As if a memory had hit him whilst he sang the line "But just look at us holding on", and something clicked for me and I finally felt a connection with him. He actually made me feel the emotions of the words, perhaps compounded by my own feelings of the song and I couldn't help myself from becoming all giddy. I started grinning like mad and by the end of the song, was practically swooning. I did not even like this guy but with one song, I'm sold. He sold it to me. I am now all for Lee DeWyze 1000%.

It's as if I'm seeing him in a completely different light. Suddenly his shuffling on stage while he performs isn't annoying, it's cute. His whole "I'm awkwardly shy when not performing" demeanor endearing and not irritating. His crooked smile looks so sweet and not....well, I always thought his smile was nice. I am actually, only now, fully realizing how attractive he is.

The power of one song, it can truly change how you feel about someone :)