Wednesday, May 19, 2010

i want lee to win this season but i'm afraid it'll change him

My love for Lee DeWyze's voice is growing in leaps and bounds as we near the end of season 9 of American Idol. The fact that he's cute does contribute as well.

I've spent the past few weeks since admitting a burgeoning crush on the paint salesman from Mt Prospect, Illinois, downloading past episodes of this season's AI, trying to make a collection of all of his performances since prior to Shania Twain week, I didn't pay attention to Lee's performances. Plus, I was curious about what it was that he said during the Top 24 selection epi that made me instantly loathe him. I finally got my hands on that particular episode and on rewatch I guess you can take what he says two ways; either as confidence in his talent and belief in himself or as a completely arrogant self-involved asshole. My initial reaction was to think the second. Now after the rewatch, I'd say it was more of the first with a little pinch of the second. He wasn't a complete tool but there was a small moment where he came across as jack-assy.

So, yea, I'll admit, as much as I'm on board the Lee DeWyze train now and as much as I'm into his voice and his song choices, I can't help that after watching the semis just a coupla hours ago that the non-too-likeable part of Lee will emerge more. Don't get me wrong, I loved that he looked confident and more at ease, it's just I also felt it might all go to his head at some point and the guy who won over sooooo many people at points of the competition that I didn't get will be lost.

I feel I'm more objective about his performances tonight than the judges were. Although I wholeheartedly concur that he was the best of the three, I don't think the Hallelujah performance was all that epic. It was dramatic, yes, but the moment the choir came to join him, it came across to me as if his voice got lost amid the gospel singers before he regained the upper hand. But I guess you had to be in the theatre cos people were moved and I saw tear-filled eyes in the crowd. At home, I got minor goosebumps close to the end (mainly cos I was watching him get all emo) and a slight feeling of dissatisfaction. I personally believe that his rendition of Simple Man was more powerful and he made me feel THAT song. Again, pitch-wise, there were a few moments in the middle that he wasn't completely spot-on but he delivered that song like you wouldn't believe. My stomach flipped flopped all over the place listening to him.

I guess with Lee, what you will always get to see is his connection with the songs he chooses. And that's what I love about him. He makes great choices week after week (only iffy about Kiss from a Rose) that always makes me come away feeling that he knew what he was singing about. And that's why I'm putting my (figurative) money on Lee DeWyze to win the whole thing. I reverse my earlier prediction about Crystal making it all the way. I am confident that Lee shot pass Crystal during the Frank Sinatra week and he hasn't looked back since. Plus, he has a whole legion of fans that encompass men, women, children and that kinda baffles me. I can't quite put my finger on what makes Lee so likeable to the masses but people just like him. Which pretty much translates to votes, I guess. You just have to look into the audience at the Idol Studio to see the Lee buntings and signs and catcalls that fill the place even when the focus is on someone else.

Lee DeWyze, American Idol champion. Yes, I definitely see that. I will, however, miss the shy, introverted guy I fell for. That part of him is slowly being pushed into the background. But to make it, I guess he needs to. Still, I have major love for Lee DeWyze's voice :) Just like with John Mayer, I don't like the dude but I do listen to his songs.

Oh, before I end this rather long diatribe, I just wanna vent a gripe I have about practically everyone calling this season of Idol an underwhelming bore. For me, i think this is the best season of Idol since Carrie Underwood won. Just a smidge ahead of David Cook's year. I have personally cared for most of the Idol contestants of this season than I ever have about any other season. Hell, I stopped following season 8's dramatics which supposedly featured Idol's most exciting contestant ever (re: Adam Lambert). I dunno, he does not enthrall me as he does the rest of the world. This is the only season since Carrie's year that I actually followed from start to finish without skipping an epi. I usually give up halfway through the Top 12 as it becomes a bore but this season has kept me going. I find this years' contestants better because most of them know who they are and what they want to do musically. They have direction and are grounded which makes me believe in them as musicians. So, I don't see what all these critics are saying about the lack of personality and whatnot. I mean, c'mon, how can you top the season of Adam Lambert in terms of sheer entertainment value?