Wednesday, September 22, 2010

the skinny on things

Hello my lurverly blog! I know I have been completely remiss in the whole blogging aspect of late but I was busy living life while too lazy to document it. But now, the silent guilt at the back of my mind has come to the fore and here I am trying to up my post count for September.

As I mentioned in the last post a coupla weeks ago, I was going back to the Homeland for my 2-week annual holiday with the fam. I was feeling majorly homesick for some reason and stressed as well with all the extra work I had to shoulder what with being one team member down for 2 months straight. My skin suffered greatly and I started breaking out a lot on my jawline. I have to say, you know stress played a factor in causing the breakouts but once you start breaking out like that, it puts even more stress on you and of course that doesn't help in the fight to get the whole situation under control.

I had also recently started a 3 months course of black seed oil capsules and after one month, decided to cut it out to see if that might be exarcebating the problem. Aside from that, I had been downing a lot of paprika laden food and drinking Ensure meal replacement shakes at brekkie for one month. And to top it all off, I was starting new additions to my skincare regime consisting of Lush's Ocean Salt facial cleanser and Mario Badescu's Special Cucumber Lotion. The Pelikan Deitanseki Charcoal soaps I had been using for a year or so now seemed to not be working and I was getting a lot of invisible bumps on my face. I felt I needed to be slightly more agressive with my choice of facial cleanser. Additionally, I thought it was good timing that my Mario Badescu Acne Repair Kit arrived to coincide with my sudden outbreak of skin issues. Now, I'm prone to breakouts when I'm PMS-ing but this is a constant wave of breakouts and I had started to feel exasperated. It's hard not to stress out and I can tell you I'm trying really hard not to feel down about it.

So I had made all these new changes and although my skin has calmed down significantly after I stopped the black seed oil capsules, I still have to contend with the marks and the annoying tiny bumps. I dunno about the Mario Badescu Acne Repair Kit - sometimes I think it's working, other times I just don't know if it's doing anything. It has me confused and I don't think I will be repurchasing once I'm done. Maybe Mario Badescu's line is just an ill fit for me.

I had some worries about the Lush Ocean Salt cleanser and when my intial bumps appeared right after I used it for the first 3 days, I thought it might be the culprit and immediately cut it out and I did not use it again for a month after but when my breakouts did not lessen, I decided that it wasn't the product causing the issue. So, I started using it again on a daily basis and I think it's helping to prevent my problems from getting worse. Sea salt is supposed to be a good ingredient for people with acne so I think it's doing something to help me but since my problems aren't exactly going away, I really can't be sure.

Since I've been doing everything I can while trying not to overload my face with product, I'm starting to think I need to take some oral medication to help combat this plateau or prevent any worsening. I've looked into OTC options and although I've read and seen for myself that BCP can help aid in clearing skin issues, I don't know what the long term effects of taking BCP as a method to fight acne will be for my body since most of the pills have some effect on hormones. So I decided to look into more natural remedies such as homeopathic pills. I'm giving serious thought to getting the Nature's Cure Two-Part Acne Treatment System For Women. It's a 1 month supply of 60 Tablets and 1 ounce Benzoyl Peroxide topical cream. The reviews I read have good things to say about the pills but many have mentioned that the topical cream is very harsh. Most users just take the tablet and don't use the cream. I'm at the point where nothing topical is helping so maybe I need some oral medicine to help boost things along. If I do get this system, I'm buying a two month supply straight away as the comments I read recommended at least 2 months of continuous usage. I'm hoping to see some results within a month and a half and if I see something positive, will consider ordering another 2 months supply. The system should clear problems within a 3 month time span. The cost for the system is reasonable - USD9.49 - and therefore won't be too much of a burden if it doesn't work out but if it does, it will be such a great bargain. Anyways, I'm currently taking olive oil capsules which is said to help skin regeneration but I can't tell if its truly working so that's why I figure I might as well try something that is dedicated to acne.

I haven't really decided in favour of the pills as I'll have to get them online and wait for delivery from the States. I'll see how my current skincare routine works out and if I see no improvement, I'll just go ahead and get it.