Thursday, September 30, 2010

stupid act of the day

Ok, raise your hand if, despite graduating with honours from University with a degree in Computer Science majoring in Computer Networks, you used an aerosol can near an open flame causing a mini fireburst and simultneously setting aforementioned aerosol can on fire? C'mon, you know who you are.....don't be shy about it.....stand up and admit it.....

Yes, that's right. Apparently I do not have a clear head in the morning and while I know ants can be very irritating, using a can of air freshener (admittedly, stupid act number 1) to kill them pesky ants that were hovering near the lit gas stove where breakfast was at that very moment being cooked was THE dumbest thing I have ever done in my life. Yes, all was going well, I was getting rid of those ants but for the life of me, I don't know why I decided to get to the ones right behind the stove while I was frying my egg. Seriously, what was my thought process there?

So not only did I cause the fire to flare up into a mini ball of flames, it engulfed both the can and my upper half! I can tell you the shock of that was immense.....I'm just grateful my face wasn't so close to the stove when it happened cos else this post wouldn't be written right now.

The flames came over my lower arms and the top of my head but perhaps due to the distance and strength of the burst, I was not seriously harmed if at all. Just felt a lil tingly from the incident. I kept hold of the aerosol can but the moment I saw the thing was on fire, I threw it down on the kitchen floor, which thank god is tiled, and it rolled right next to the fridge. Not good either cause of the freon gases and whatnot so there I am thinking I need to beat out this mini fire on the spray before it explodes and kills me. And only after this long thought has passed through my head do I actually grab the tea towel and beat the flames out.

Explosion averted, air freshener still useable, arms not rendered useless and my eggs turned out great.....however, the stupidity of the action still remains.