Friday, September 24, 2010

possibly in a bit of a clusterf@*k

I'm usually a "just-in-my-head" swearer but this deserves a rather loud proclamation of frustration.....and I'm just verbalizing (or more like typing) some of the catchier buzz words from my fave fashion fix "The Rachel Zoe Project" :)

Anyways, I was preparing for a movie marathon night with the peeps in the tech team who were coming over to my space since I was hosting and I booted up my work laptop (which I hadn't turned on even once after coming back from Homeland last Sunday cos been using personal lappie for the week) since it would be running all the movies -due to its superior graphics accelarator compared to my nettie - I had lined up for the evening. I swear it switched on okay and was already in my desktop when I left it to transfer the movie files from my personal lappie to a thumbdrive. When I came back, however, and was trying to hook it up with the projector, I realized the screen was blank. Not so much a huge deal since I set the screen to turn off after a minute without any activity cos I'm super conscientous about saving my screen from an early LED death.

So I begin to shake the mouse to wake the screen up and nada happens. I do it again, with more intensity and still I get nothing. I figure its my mouse cos its old and has occasionally gone AWOL while connected so I unplug and re-plug it into the port but still no light comes on. I'm about to redo the whole plug/unplug routine when I notice that there's no light whatsoever emanating from my laptop. Not from the power button, not from the harddisk light, nothing. I know the battery life span has degraded over the 5 and more years I've been using it but it at least lasts a lil over an hour and anyways, I had it plugged in.

The panic starts to set in. If you're a techie (and in this day and age even the non-techs know), backup, backup, backup of all your sh*t on the computer is mucho, mucho, mucho important. Wait, let me rephrase that - CURRENT backups of all your sh*t on the computer is mucho, mucho, mucho important. I have a backup but the last time I did proper due diligence was some time last year. Yes, yup, yessirree, so I truly have no one to blame for the possible loss of all my work stuff.

I'm gonna have to take out the hard disk and connect it externally to figure out if it'll boot up. I'm sincerely hoping it's just the motherboard that has failed me here and that the hard disk WILL still work but I'm feeling kinda scared it's not gonna.

Sigh. What a wonderful way to come back to work - with a giant techie mess to overcome. It truly is a clusterf@*k!

UPDATE (26/09/2010):
Happy day! Hard disk is still alive, alive, alive! Work is saved, saved, saved! Laptop mobo is dead as doornail...dead, dead, dead! But it's ok as office has told me to list down specs for new work laptop so woohoo for me! Planning on weaseling a tablet from the office to make my ebook reading so much simpler....and of course to do a lot of productive and exceptional work on it :D