Wednesday, May 18, 2011

the pearl of the orient

Am safely returned to Workland after my jam-packed company retreat. Feels like I need a holiday after the holiday - no joke. I probs feel this way cos I was super stressed pre-retreat with all my pre-retreat finalizations and then went full-on activity mode throughout the 5-day trip. It was a good thing our return flight was early and I had a day and a half to somewhat recuperate due to the 17th being a public holiday here in my neck of the woods.

Did I enjoy said trip - when my head was in the moment (which was 90% of the time) hell yeah! Least enjoyable part - sharing a bedroom with two other divas. Always means that a lot of bathroom timetabling is involved and I being the responsible one had to volunteer myself as the first in EVERY SINGLE DAY! That basically meant waking up a full hour and a half earlier than our call-time. On the second to last day I was a zombie for a good part of the morning. It was only a ride on the Space Mountain @ Disneyland that gave me a shot of adrenaline I didn't get from my non-existent morning coffee - a totally crappy waiter was in charge of our section and was completely inept when it came to pouring coffee into a cup.

Truthfully though, I did have fun. It was a good time out and about, seeing what Hong Kong had to offer. And I was super proud of myself that I stayed completely on budget. In fact, I demolished my budget to a tee. I only gave myself USD400 to play around with and that was what got me through to the very end. Ok, the whole time constraint with the packed schedule may have helped in keeping the budget in line but all in all, I got some great, quality stuff that I may or may not do a haul post on when I'm feeling up to it. I've taken the pics and all, it's just a matter of transferring 'em to my pc and watermarking them but laziness does get the best of me most days.

Bottom line: would I go to Hong Kong again? Yes - and next time, it's strictly to do some retail therapy :D