Sunday, May 22, 2011

victim of fraudulent charges

The title explains it all. For the past month or so, my AMEX card has been hit with a number of fraudulent charges all originating from the UK. Not only that, these people have also used both my sisters' and my mom's details as well. We are currently investigating how this happened.

It apparently started with generous donations to an ALS charity which is believed to be a front for receiving monies via fraudulent manner. Then the perpetrators went online shopping at various UK-based ecommerce sites like Tesco Online, Sainsbury Online, York University Bookstore, etc. They have racked up charges amounting close to GBP1500.

The good thing about this is that since April 1st, I haven't been using my AMEX at all. Nor have the rest of our family. So any charges made were easily idnetifiable as fraudulent. The problem now is that despite having the card canceled and my sister, who is the principal, and I having been re-issued a new card with new details which is yet to be delivered to our home address, the people behind this scam have managed to continue racking up charges online.

The question on our mind is if this is an inside job. Cos how can our new cards be used when we haven't even received them. Totally weird. Anyway, this limits further any online shopping activities I may have had planned, hehehe. I'm really going strong with this whole not shopping business :D