Sunday, May 22, 2011

raising kids is hard work

I was Gtalking with my sister this morning and she mentioned she was looking into hiring a behavioural counselor for my 7-year old nephew. That took me by surprise cos I didn't realize he had issues to the extent that he needed help.

What is it with children of this day and age that appear to have more problems with just being than children from my own time and that of my sisters'? My nephew, at home, behaves like a normal seven year old. He likes to play and he doesn't like schoolwork. I figure that is typical of a boy his age. He does have an active imagination which I never saw as a drawback but apparently he spends too much time in a world of his own making and not enough interacting with the people around him. This assessment came from his teacher who spoke to my brother-in-law.

Apparently my nephew lives in his own imaginary world, doesn't do his work in school and doesn't interact with his classmates. This baffles me a bit as my nephew is a friendly kid and doesn't have problems making friends. He gets along really well with his cousins and the other kids I've seen him interact with so I am confused as to where this anti-social behaviour is stemming from.

My nephew is NOT lacking in love or material possessions or attention. Our family sits around and makes sure he completes his homework for school so it's not like we let him fend for himself. We tell him we love him ALL THE TIME, I know I most certainly do. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't get everything he asks for. We do mete out disciplinary measures (i.e: taking away TV time, not getting him a toy he wants, etc., etc.) for balance. So for a kid that is not wanting for anything, what else does he need?

He is not my child but I love him with all my heart so this definitely bothers me a whole lot. What is it that we're doing or not doing that is causing him to be maladjusted? I am confused as to how I, and my sisters, managed to go through childhood coming out pretty well-adjusted but my nephew is struggling through the same circumstances. The pressures we faced seem to be the same but he is having a difficult time coping. There is a saying "It takes a village to raise a child", well, my family IS that village but we still seem to be failing so what do we do now?