Monday, May 25, 2009

the diamond of the calendar

IT WAS INEVITABLE! When my post titles sound cryptic and weird, it's a hint that it's an F1/Kimi related post. And I am back to talk about my favourite F1 pilot who drives for the scarlet racing outfit.

Yesterday was the Monaco 2009 GP. And what a GP it was. The weekend started out fantastic. Qualis was actually a joy to watch, no bumbling strategic errors this race weekend. Kimi was even top of the timesheets in Q2 and was narrowly pipped to pole by Jenson Button by 0.0025 seconds (good job JB!).

And even while waiting for the race to get underway, I kept on saying that as long as we get podium, it's still all good. AND WE DID GET PODIUM! Kimi finished third at Monaco. Ok, if the pessimists want to point out that he dropped a position at the start of the race when creepy-looking Rubens Barrichello (I do apologize for calling him this but he totally does have the "crazy eyes" thing going on) managed to jump him but the point is, he kept his cool and drove a solid race all the way to third.

It wasn't as magical as Bahrain, nor his quali drive, but it was a worthy comeback statement. All around. From both drivers and the team itself. And I am happy to report, my zen state is still intact. At one point of the race when it looked like Felipe had the pace to overtake Kimi, I even suggested out loud that if Felipe took the third off of Kimi, that it was points for the team and we should all be happy. Does it matter that as my mouth uttered those words, I felt a pinch in my chest? Does it also matter that I was in my living room watching the race by myself? I think not :P

At the end of the day, we can lament about the loss of track position at the start of the race, the narrow, wielding and unforgiving streets of Monaco lacking in overtaking, the fumble with the wheel nut during Kimi's final pit that cost him precious seconds and potentially a wheel to wheel fight for second with Rubens at the end of the pitlane exit or the Brawn supremacy but I choose to focus on the fact that Kimi has finally managed this season to take a swig from his huge bottle of G.H. Mumm champagne. I have to say, I think he misses being in on the post-race drivers conference cos he uncharacteristically talked a mouthful of stuff and, in fact, I've had the pleasure of google-newsing a whole lot of his soundbites (newsbites?). He's been talking loads to the press. Weird for Kimi.....but good for moi :)

Next up? Istanbul. Let's break up this Brawn party with a Ferrari on the top step. Is it doable? I'm confident it is. Just which of the Ferrari's is the question. I'm putting my money on the Finn but I'd do it anyway even if he didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning!