Friday, May 29, 2009

the men (i wish are) in my life

Since my last post where I went on quite a bit on celeb girls I crush on, it's made me think of the other half of the gender pool whose had a stranglehold on my affections.

Paring the list down I came up with the following: Hugh Jackman, Matt Czuchry, Ronan Keating and Rob Bourdon. Yea, these four men.....wait, should I include Kimi in this list? I mean, I don't LIKE HIM like him but I post about him an inordinately enormous amount of the time. Does that mean I am secretly in like with him? Am I in denial of the reasons behind my fervent admiration of this man? Ok, stop. Pause. Let's not make this about Kimi. Fine, he's in the list. So, okay, the FIVE men I have resolutely hung on to as my ideal men no particular order.....Hugh Jackman, Rob Bourdon, Matt Czuchry, Ronan Keating and Kimi Raikkonen.

Hugh Jackman. I first fell in love with this Aussie actor when I watched that movie he did wth Ashley Judd called "Someone Like You". To quote Paris Hilton, and this is the only thing I ever quote her on, "THAT'S HAWT!!!!!" It was Hugh J all the way after that. I even watched him in that weird movie he did with Meg Ryan, "Kate & Leopold" I think it's called. Hugh Jackman is the epitome of handsome, suave with a whole lot of good guy to boot. I mean he always comes across as such a sweetheart, so charming, nary a bad word is EVER said about him in the media. He's always so complimentary of his beautiful leading ladies and, no disrespect meant but, the leading lady in his life, Ms Deborra-Lee Furness, isn't actually comparable to all those beauties that surrounds him. Which is exactly the reason that makes me like him more. He is gorgeous, handsome, has an amazingly fit bod and he is completely committed to his, appearance-wise, average wife. There is most definitely something spectacular about her that he sees but that's the best part about Hugh. He comes across as a substance not superficial kind of person. And always portrayed as the everyday family man. God, his devotion to his wife and kids is just so swoon-worthy.

Matt Czuchry. I've done an ode to Matt once before when I talked about the Tucker Max book. Matt Czuchry. Logan Huntzberger. If there ever was a fictional character that I would propose marriage to it would be Logan H. I thought Rory was daft to refuse him in that last season of Gilmore and to this day I still cannot watch any repeats of that final season. I have marathons of season five and six but I don't touch seven. Crazy? Yea, tv show fans are the nuttiest. But that's Logan. The thing about Matt is, through all the interviews that I've read, he seems like a really down-to-earth great guy with a good-looking face. Great boyfriend material. He always comes across as chivalrous and is such a gentlemen. I dunno if that's a common trait of North Carolinian men but it really makes the heart melt. He is affiliated with the Black Knights basketball team which is a charity organization that travel the world playing basketball games to raise money for worthy causes. The teams are mainly made up of television actors. Paul Johansson of One Tree Hill fame is a member as well. Matt's acting repertoire isn't as varied as I would like it to be, acting is tough business but what he does appear in I've liked thus far. Realistically, I think he won't make it movie big as Tom, Brad or Hugh cos he doesn't seem leading men material but I hope he has a successful career in TV and in scene-stealing supporting parts in film. And I also hope he finds a great girl to settle with. Since breaking up with Kate Bosworth of "Blue Crush" fame (euggh, do not like her), he has weirdly remained single. Dunno if he is more careful about his personal life now or he is trying to focus on his career or perhaps he has switched teams and is not ready to reveal so. But whatever the reason, I hope he meets someone who'll make him happy.

Ronan Keating. Ah, Ronan. Your Irish lilt, that gravelly voice, the blonde good looks. You made me swoon and fluttered my heart from ages 14 to 18. I thought I was in love with you for 4 years. I followed you around when we were in the same country from airport to hotel and back again. Such was my devotion to you and yet, you up and married that model Yvonne. You broke my heart. Well, I was in love with G at the time so my heart wasn't broken by the marriage but there was a twinge of hurt at the news :P Ah, teeny bopper boyband love. Can't live with it, can't live without it. My mum and I were at loggerheads constantly over my obsession with Ronan and Boyzone it is so funny to think of it now. This is a man I actually went on radio to sing one of Boyzone's songs to get some free concert tix. If there was any question, there shouldn't. I did a complete smackdown and obliterated the competition. And promptly fainted at the showcase in my excitement to the proximity of Ronan and I seperated by the burly bouncers :D To this day, when I look back on those days, I am reminded fondly of the one-sided love we had. But ok, reminiscence aside. Ronan did a concert here 2 years back and as a reward for some team effort thing, the company gave us tickets to his concert. I am over Ronan but going back and seeing him performing LIVE, I gave in to the teen me and screamed-sang the lyrics to all the songs in his set. I was the only one who even knew all the words to the songs in his set. Nobody could compare to me that night, LOSERS! I even lost my voice. Such good times. I will always have a soft spot for him.

Let's get Kimi out of the way. Kimi, the way I am obsessed with your career confounds even me. I dunno why I am invested so emotionally and deeply. I dunno if I have a crush on you but what I do know is that your first race for Sauber Petronas was when you appeared on my radar and I was filled with such admiration for your pure talent. At that time I was a Mika fan (I can say without a doubt I never had a crush on Mika Hakkinen) and it felt a bit odd trying to fit you in the pic as well but I figured the two of you are countrymen, you will get along. Mika taking you under his wing somewhat also eased my conscience on the divided loyalties front. I have followed many a sport before but the reason F1 is tops for me is because it is the first sport I ever took a liking to without having seen a sports person and had a crush on him. I was following F1 based on the strength of the sport alone. Maybe that's why I am unsure if it is a crush or not cos I don't want to spoil F1 the sport for me if it is true I like you more than as a driver. Whatever it is Kimster, your driving prowess, your stoicness, your witty banter with the press, your laconic sense of humour, you're my favourite F1 pilot of all time. I love watching you drive, even on your bumbling, not completely there days. Watching you drive makes me happy. Sad but true. I am happy when I watch Kimi Raikkonen drive an F1 car around and around a race circuit for one and a half hours on a Sunday. The rest of the time, I obsessively google news him. I do it once in the morning before I go to work and a couple of times in the evening when I've come home from work. I google him intermittently during weekends. Hey, I don't want to be the last to know any Kimi (and to a lesser extent, Ferrari) breaking news. I have no idea what will happen once he's done with F1. Kimi, I got it bad and I don't even know what IT is.

Ah, Robert Gregory Bourdon. If there was a man I would love to meet it would be you. What I've seen so far makes me want to be your girlfriend. Pipe dream, I know, but a worthy and wonderful dream nonetheless. Tall (check), dark hair (check), creative type (check), great arms (check), usually quiet but game for silly fun type (check). You fill most criterias I have for the type of guy I would love to get to know. I have always been a drummer fan when it comes to people in bands. Lead singers and guitarists are common but drummers are always the best. They are the ones who control the tempo, the beat, the band when they perform. The whole banging on the drums and cymbals is completely hot. And all the footage I've watched via LinkinParkTV on Youtube has me adoring Rob as a person. Always quite deadpan, he is serious about the music. But he has a fun side. Perhaps not as out there as the rest of his bandmates but that's what makes him great in my eyes. He is his own man. I have an ongoing crush on him, I would really like to meet him face to face one day. Not silly enough to think of anything happening cos c'mon, he's a drummer in a wildly successful rock band but it would be great to be able to see him up close. As of right now, he seems to be single. He broke up with Vanessa, his girlfriend of about 7 years, back in Nov 2007 but there are no rumblings of a new match as yet. I do hope he finds someone gorgeous and great to be with. He seemed lonely being the only one not attached AND not married but since the demise of Joe Hahn's marriage to Karen (am actually sorry this happened), I guess Joe and Rob can keep each other's spirits up during those tough days on tour where the road life seems hard and looking at the other guys with their wives and family gets them down. Or not. I don't pretend to know if it's easy or otherwise. Just a silly comment. But, yea, the type of guy that is Rob Bourdon, is the type of guy I would love to be with. I heart Rob.

Hmmmm, so that's a rundown of the unattainable objects of my affection. Weird. I mentioned I prefer men with dark hair but the majority on my list are blonde. I SWEAR I DON'T LIKE THE BLONDES MORE THAN THE BRUNETTES. It just seems the ones that have impacted me more are blonde. Sigh. That's a weird thing I just found out about myself. I have always been resolute about my dark hair preference. Looking at the list, I also seem to gravitate towards men who are quiet on the outside but tend to have a more colourful personality away from the glaring eye of the media. Ok, enough psychoanalyzing. That's it from moi, this post is running too long anyway. Till the next crush. In the words of the California Governator, asta la vista!