Monday, May 25, 2009

my own personal hells kitchen

A coupla posts back I mentioned my insomnia and how I was rabidly googling how to make risotto only to be foiled by the supermarket stock the weekend I was all gung-ho for my first attempt. Then I settled into a sleeping pattern and my dreams of being on the appetizer section making "perfect" risotto for Gordon Ramsay was also put to bed.

But I finally got around to it (just like how I finally got around to the point of this post). Well, not the making appetizers for Gordon Ramsay, the actual risotto making attempt. I went out and bought myself a box of Scotti arborio rice and following the recipe on the back, made a delightful serving of seafood risotto. The best part was I didn't have to invest at all in any cooking wine, those things can be bloody expensivo.

Anyways, I am pretty satisfied with my first 2 attempts. The instructions were real easy to follow and I enjoyed the whole process of making the dish. The rice was cooked in chicken stock and I added some tomatoes and button mushrooms for colour. I used fresh shrimp and crab meat to complement the dish and since I didn't have anything besides tarragon leaves in my kitchen, that went into the pan as well along with a good sprinking of parmesan. So I might have bastardized the original recipe but the point is to improvize so it'll suit your taste buds. And I have to say my taste receptors recepted eagerly :D