Wednesday, September 30, 2009

here we go round the merry-go-round, the merry-go-round, the merry-go-round

Damn! Ferrari beat me to it. I was hoping to get my post out before they made the announcement of Fernando joining Ferrari in place of Kimi! You guys were only supposed to announce it Thursday! Now I've had to redo the whole post on the fly.....

Anyways, if my previous posts was any indication, I had already known this was going to happen. Not so much cos I'm psychic but it all got overwhelming and sometimes when the obvious is staring you in your face, you should just take it at face value.

Considering, at this point, Kimi doesn't have a drive for next year, I don't seem upset with his ouster. Yes, yes, it was an ouster. Could Ferrari have treated him with less respect than I've seen them show him this season? The rumours of Alonso's deal started early but after Massa's accident, there was no doubt about whom Alonso was going to be replacing. Ferrari are a team of sentimental fools where wearing your emotions on your sleeves is deemed the best way so was there any way that they would keep on the cold-as-stone dude above the injured bird that is Massa? Course not!

And this clearly explains the developmental freeze of the F60. Many pundits had questioned Ferrari's develoment stop because most of the 2010 technical rules are similar to this years' and it only made sense that if they were focusing on the 2010 car now that they could still test out some aero changes in this season. However, since the only proper driver available to do the testing for next year's car is the driver they were planning to get rid off, how could they allow him to test the parts out knowing that he would be leaving and taking any info with him to another team? Therein lies the conundrum for Ferrari. So they chose to languish in the mid-field, only getting to the front because of superior driver skills.

Actually, I have a feeling that if Felipe hadn't suffered that accident and Renault hadn't gotten into the whole "Crashgate" incident, it would have been Felipe-Kimi or Kimi-Alonso for Ferrari 2010. So, yea, I'm basically stating that Kimi Raikkonen has become the sacrificial lamb in the whole drivers seat debacle of 2010. But let's not pity Kimi too much. After all, he did get a 20/25 million pounds payout to vacate his seat for Alonso and the paddock rumours are strong that a return to Woking and the Silver Arrows are on the cards.

I, and a million other Kimi fans, have always revered the Kimi of McLaren days. I mean, the Iceman was in his element in the silver car. If only it didn't break down on him so often. Since engine reliability is no longer an issue at McLaren, and if the rumoured move comes to fruition, then let's hope the magic resumes again. I'm not worried about Hamilton. He can drive his own race as long as he doesn't play any dirty games, he and I will not have a problem. Let's just let Kimi do his own thing.

If he doesn't end up at McLaren, I would love to see him at Brawn, working with Ross Brawn. I mean, if Ross can make Jenson Button to appear as world champion material then what could he possibly do with Kimi's talent and calibre? Yes, I'm also bluntly stating I don't rate Jenson much, the car he's got under him is the actual star.

I wish Ferrari and Felipe all the best. We had a great year with you but let's face it, after Jean Todt left, you Italianno guys really dropped the ball. Here's hoping Alonso will bring you what you deserve. And everyone else, prepare yourselves, the Iceman cometh. And it ain't goin to be pretty.