Thursday, September 10, 2009

past the point of no return, part deux

I have to admit, this is definitely the height of my Kimi-F1 obsession. I thought there were some years where I should have turned it down a coupla notches but this year sure beats every other year's asses. I tend to fixate completely on something when there are other aspects of my life that I don't care to deal with and it looks like I've taken my Kimi-F1 worship to greater, new and completely alarming heights.

I've been staying up late and waking up early fueling my craziness. I'm lurking on the forums till the wee hours of the morning and 2 days ago, I was actually up at 4 a.m watching Kimi clips on Youtube. I've worn out Google News. They're just not updating Kimi related stuff fast enough for my liking. I've even taken to posting comments on articles and I would previously NEVER offer my opinion on any Kimi-related topic in such a public manner, be it a criticism piece or one that praises. I'm more from the Kimi stock of letting the water roll off of the ducks back but this has proven to be a week where I'm a Kimi extremist so normal behavior has been chucked out the window. I have to say that the two times I've posted were completely non-volatile. In fact they were rather polite comments.

On one, I was correcting the guy's article. I mean these people should read their work carefully AT ALL TIMES. He was writing about Kimi's great comeback from behind to win the WDC in 2007 and likening the teammate wars of Hamilton-Alonso to the battle of Rubens-Jenson and Mark Webber as the Kimi Raikkonen. Now I found it personally offensive he would liken Mark Webber to Kimi as that's just an insult to the Finn's talents. Mark's adequate but not on the same talent level as Kimi, c'mon. Anyways, the guy wrote about how everyone was focusing on the Renault Hamilton-Alonso battle that nobody realized Kimi was creeping through to take it away from those two. True enough but dude, Hamilton never drove for Renault. If it were in the one sentence I would have let it pass but he kept repeating Renault teammates throughout his article and I couldn't not correct him. If it wasn't me, it would have been someone else with perhaps a more scathing way with words. I mean, you wanna write about F1, have your opinion out there for the world to see, get your facts straight. That was a completely embarassing gaffe in my book. He made the corrections after seeing my comment but took my comment off though. I'll let that go, I mean at least he and I know he looked a fool, I don't need him to validate it by letting my comment stay there for others to see.

The other post I commented on but as yet has not appeared because they moderate comments was about the Ferrari resurgence and how well they are looking for the forthcoming Monza race. The guy was talking up Massa's points contribution as if Massa was doing all the work in the first half of the season so I decided to make it known that he shouldn't dismiss Kimi putting Ferrari on the scoreboard in Bahrain and driving to Ferrari's first podium of '09 in Monaco as non-events because Kimi did put the team on the map first. I told him to give credit where it's due. I'm guessing he's an Alonso fanboy cos he kept confidently stating the Ferrari-Alonso move and relishing the thought of a Massa-Alonso pairing. I didn't say anything on that as he's free to see things as he wants to but I just wanted him to be fair about Kimi's contributions to the Ferrari '09 season.

Kimi has done more than people have given him credit for and I'm tired of hearing the bullshit the media has been dishing out in regards to him. Your spiel is tired and worn and completely baseless. What is the deal with the press's hate for Kimi? You don't get the reactions you want from him is that it? He's not a bubbly, effervescent guy is he? What do you care? His job is to drive the car, he's doing it isn't he? That F60, let's face it, is a complete turtle in terms of race speed when compared to the other frontrunners. Kimi has been on the podium in the last 3 races and amassed the most points in those three races out of any other driver on the grid. He has had to determinedly defend his position against faster cars and brought home the maximum points. He is performing as per his job description. Driving the car and getting the maximum result out of it. Why should you demand him to jump through further media hoops? The stoic Finn, the boring Finn, the uninterested Finn. You don't even personally know him and there you go making assumptions on his character. His silence on and refusal to acknowledge all the crap (read: so-called objective reporting) just irks you doesn't it?

The guy has more than stepped up since the Hungary GP. It's not that he wasn't there at the beginning but we did have the more "outgoing" personality of Felipe Massa supposedly taking the team by the hand and trying to lead them into a first place finish. You wanted aggressive driving, he gave you aggressive driving. You wanted a podium performance, he's given you four. You wanted a win, he won the race at the much vaunted Spa circuit, the drivers' track of all driver's track. Lost it, you say? He may not have responded to you verbally but there's your answers arses! He has been single-handedly keeping Ferrari in third place in the constructors' championship. Don't continue to disparage a person whose shown you how wrong you are multiple times over. He may not care about what is being said about him but his millions of fans do and we rally behind our driver. If you can't find more truthful things to write about when it concerns Kimi Raikkonen, don't write about him or find someone else to put down. There are many others deserving of it.

So that's my rant concerning the unfair media portrayal of Kimi. I might have one more post (or two) in me before the Italian GP race on Sunday. I'm hoping for another podium but if he's in the points, it's a job well done to me. I haven't lowered my standards but like a lot of people have been saying, that F60 is not a keeper. It's embarassing for Ferrari that they are the prancing horse team yet their car doesn't have powerful prancing horses in its engine to vault them to the front of the pack.