Tuesday, March 2, 2010

gaia's wrath?

Are we headed for a complete global environmental meltdown? First Haiti then Bali and now Chile. We have freezing winters still ongoing in Great Britain and numerous other parts in Europe. Add to that the constant rainstorms and the killer floods that struck hard in Spain and France. Then the landslide in Bandung, Indonesia. And all this in the first 2 months of 2010.

Is the damage we have caused over the years finally catching up on us? Natural disaster after natural disaster, tragedies in succession are upon us. It's as if Earth is trying to teach us a lesson over and over again so we don't forget. I'm more than just concerned about the state of the environment. It just freaks me out that every time I look at Google News there's a piece about one country or another being hit by a natural disaster. Are we finally being made to pay for our lackadaisical attitude towards the planet we live in? And is it too late to do something about it?

UPDATE (05/03/2010):
Well, Southern Taiwan was hit by a 6.7 magnitude earthquake yesterday. Luckily, no deaths, a few slightly injured people. Thus far. Also, Chile is being rocked by aftershocks and multiple tsunami warnings. Are we going to have to read more news items as this throughout the coming months? Let's be clear that I do not wish/hope for any more of nature's wrath but it does beg the question is 2010 going to be known as the "Year of Natural Disasters"? Is this not freaking anyone else out?