Wednesday, March 31, 2010

watching.....Sons Of Anarchy (SoA)

I did not know that I could get hooked on watching a drama revolving around greasy haired bikers. I LOVE SONS OF ANARCHY!

I first heard rumblings of this series via some forums that was dissecting Friday Night Lights epi by epi. In one post or another, some forumer would reference SoA. Each one would talk about how realistic the show was in comparison to whatever else is on television right now. This is relevant to FNL because all those who love that lil football show believe it to be a really great portrayal of the realities of small town football. Anyways, SoA was mentioned enough times that my curiosity was piqued and I decided to give it a whirl. The FX channel ads also helped to steer me in the direction of Sam Crow.

And I was hooked from the get-go. At first I loved Jax the most but then Opie slowly crept in and stole my heart. I love rooting for Opie. Perhaps the defection of affection from Jax to Opie has something to do with the Doc. She annoys me and if Jax wants to be with her then I have to like Jax a lil less.

I finished both seasons in 2 weeks (would have been sooner but I do have a job to do) and am dying for September when the third starts up again. I don't know how they are managing the storyline with Queen Bee Mama Jax on the lam. With the Sheriff's help no less. And oh, poor Half-Sack. No more Half-Sack and he was about to get inducted and all. Also, cannot leave out poor baby Abel taken away by the crazy Irish IRA dude. Just one thing I wanna say about the baby cast as Abel. If that is not the most beautiful baby boy I have ever laid my eyes on. Looking at him actually gave me baby pangs. I got over it quick though :)