Sunday, March 7, 2010

this announcement goes out to Zlena Adam - Please STOP buying stuff online!

Especially books! No more books for some time, please, Zlena. We're going nuts just thinking about the stuff you've bought and it's only the beginning of March. Just because you got a salary increase, it doesn't mean you need to spend as much as (and sometimes more than) you earn. Ok? So let's rein in the spending, especially on Kindle, no more books that aren't FREE. Free books, go right ahead and download 'em but even if it's 99 cents, you are not allowed to get it.

Also, no more looking at books at The Book Depository or makeup at Strawberrynet or whatever junk takes your fancy on eBay. No more, no more, no more. After you see if you've won the Skechers Shape Ups Sleek Fit auction THEN you are banned from buying on eBay till after June. And Strawberrynet as well. We can't imagine whatever else beauty product you would need since you seem to think you're stocking up for the apocalypse. And even if there were an apocalypse, if you're not dead, you'll most likely be stuck underground somewhere with no electricity to read your Kindle books on your Netty OR light to read the paper books either. (You seriously think the other people are going to allow you to waste the precious gas lantern/fire for your reading comfort?) Also, if it were the apocalypse, you'll have more things to worry about than reading books, applying beauty products or junk shopping.

So, we're pleading with you, Zlena Adam, to just please stop with the online buying for the rest of March and April. Enough is enough. No more. And the markets, we don't know how many more tunics you need, you don't need any more tunics. Nor shoes. So lets make the Skechers Shape Ups, the Crocs Rio and the desired nude pumps your last purchases in the shoe department for this year, ok? Not to mention, do we need any more handbags? Hmmm? Do we? DO WE? We are sick and disheartened at your lack of self-control, at you constant submission to the alllure of consumerism so we urge YOU, ZLENA ADAM, to just put a cap on the spending. We can't take it anymore.

This is a PSA sponsored by Common Sense, Rational & Logical Thinking and Guilty Conscience

I was outbid for the Skechers Shape Ups :(. There's still some time but when I factor in shipping costs, it's basically the same price as getting them from the shop so it looks like I'll be buying 'em retail. At least I don't have to wait for them to arrive :)