Sunday, March 7, 2010

a new online hangout detrimental to the purse strings

The Book Depository. It's a fantastic online bookstore based in the United Kingdom. What makes it equal to, if not more fantastic than, my two other favoured online bookstore, and Barnes & Noble, is the fact that The Book Depository offers FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE.

Yes, that's right. You read it correctly. This particular e-tailer provides free shipping of books to 99 countries. Yup, I counted each and every one of the named countries in the list that can be found in the Help section of the site. (Ok, more like I "copy pasted" the list of countries into an excel sheet and went to the last line to see how many countries were listed. The point is at least I made the effort to find out.)

Aside from the totally awesome fact that postage and handling is a free service, the site does have quite an inventory of interesting books, both mainstream and otherwise. The site is a breeze to navigate, very user friendly and the search function is one of the best I've used. Also, the prices listed are competitive too. I found a book on my Kindle wish list that sold for USD8.26 whereby on Kindle it was going to cost me USD9.99. And the best part is, besides the free delivery that is (no, mentioning the free shipping is not getting old, not anytime soon), is the fact that these are PAPER books. Physical books that I can touch and feel and smell to my hearts content!

I was put onto the trail of this completely awesometastic site by my dear gal pal, C. She's the one currently residing in Oz. The one who went to Carnivale recently. I'd like to give her a shoutout and tell her that, "I am grateful for the new online gem you directed me to and that I love you, you're one of the bestest gal pal a girl can have! MUAHS!". She had actually told me about this site a coupla weeks ago through facebook message but since my self-preservational (is this actually a word?) instincts keep me off of the social networking site for weeks on end, I only got to it this morning. I got hit by one of my "Hmm, let's check out Facebook" moods and went in to find the light. LOL. I'm a drama mama, I know.

Anyways, it did not take long for me to find stuff to buy. In a show of some restraint, I managed to limit my purchase to just three books totaling approximately USD25. Of course, before I made the clicking gesture (y'know, the one that moves the item into the shopping cart), I did multiple compare and contrast on the prices and type of books so that I'd be getting value for my money. And I believe I did! Here's a look at what I got this morning:

I'm sooooooo happy about my new online bookstore but I'm now banning the purchase of further books. Since the start of 2010, I've bought 16 books alone on Amazon Kindle and read 9 of them so I should really finish the rest before I get anymore. I'm glad I have a new place to buy wallet-friendly paper books that won't cost me a fortune in shipping. However you do it, The Book Depository, I don't know but I want to tell you that I appreciate the free delivery very, very, VERY much! I heart The Book Depository!