Saturday, June 11, 2011

so frustrated - am still crap at decorating cakes

So I attempted to make a double layer choclate cake with vanilla frosting today. I ended up with a single layer cake adorned with seriously ugly frosting. I am baffled that I am unable to master slapping on some store-bought frosting onto a cake.

Ok, I know why i was a major fail, I was too eager to frost and didn't wait long enough for the cake layers to cool before I started frosting so when I started slathering on the frosting, it started breaking down from the heat. At least despite the frosting breaking down it was still salvageable (is this a word?) but my double layer cake turned into a single layer cake because I was so impatient to get the cake out of the pan that it broke apart.

So I ended up serving my colleagues the single layer cake with the weird cake crumb speckled frosting (that taste good though, if i do say so myself) and keeping the broken up layer for myself. Now I'm kinda full on frosting and discarded cake :D