Sunday, June 12, 2011

catching the deadliest catch

Every season of The Deadliest Catch, I find myself stressed out and anxious watching the exploits of these King and Opillio crab fishermen battle the Bering Sea and their own inner demons.

This show manages to bring me on each expedition and immerse me in the experience of deep sea fishing. What I find heartwarming though is the fact that even if they are rival ships, the captains and crew of each one tend to get along with one another. Hence, it makes it hard for me to just root for the success of just one ship :)

And that's true to an extent. There is only one ship that I continuously hope will do better than all the others. Perhaps it's because when I first started following this series, my first episode followed this boat and this captain for most of the epi. That ship would be the Cornelia Marie. I was a big fan of the late Captain Phil Harris and I'm not embarrassed to admit that I shed more than a few tears during the episode of his passing. He was such a character and a genuine one at that. That's why I have a soft spot for his legacies, Josh and Jake Harris and want them to do well for their father's sake. Which is why the start of this year's The Deadliest Catch was so hard to follow cos the boys just didn't do well. It started out all hopeful and then it just completely went downhill. I felt completely exasperated and no amount of encouragement I was trying to push their way (I realize this isn't LIVE and even so that these people cannot hear me :D) made the going or my viewing any easier. But with this latest epi, hopefully all the unresolved stuff has been put to bed and the Cornelia Marie can have a stupendously amazing Opies season. Sans Freddy though he jumped ship to the Wizard - I do not begrudge him his choice, it is after all to make a better living for him and his family. It was just a little sad to watch him watch the Cornelia Marie leave Dutch Harbor without him :)

Of course, I also hope the rest of the ships do well too. I mean, like I said, there's such a camaraderie between the lot of them that I can't not want one or the other to not succeed. I like the somewhat well-oiled Northwestern (though they are fishing sans Edgar this season - I was hoping he would yell at them to get back on board but that didn't happen, Sig seemed more than a bit devastated with him not going), I think the Time Bandit are rascally and funny (oh you Hillstrand brothers are just such a hoot), I find the captain of the Wizard and his mightily superstitious beliefs completely hilarious, when I see the Kodiak's captain he reminds me of a native Indian chieftain, wise and all-knowing - don't ask me why; he just does, I think the captain of the Seabrooke is a very good captain and he runs his ship like an organized business (which it is, anyways) and then there's the rookie captain off of the Ramblin' Rose who I'm interested to see will be able to make it - he had a rather good King crab season.

The part I found most hilarious for me is that I find myself truly attracted to these guys - and usually the old dudes, lol. I find Sig Hansen DAMN HOT for god only knows what reason :D I think Edgar is, to a lesser extent, cute too. In competition for my affections is Andy Hillstrand, hehehe. He's so cheeky and I find him handsome and just good-natured all around. I mean, I first thought I'd go for the younger guys like the Harris brothers or something but although I find them good-looking, I find that I'm drawn to the older men more. Perhaps it's that whole men in a position of power-men doing things with their hands dynamic that has me captivated. Who knows, whatever it is, if Sig Hansen and I ever crossed paths, I would definitely.....well he's married so I would definitely just look but not touch, hehehe.