Wednesday, June 8, 2011

i have no idea why.....

I'm so enthralled by Weinergate :D I dunno why I've been following this latest political scandal with such feverish interest.

Anthony Weiner will not be the last politician to get caught with his pants down (literally AND figuratively) but in this particular instance I am totally absorbed in following the latest developments in his scandal.

Perhaps it has something to do with the rather odd pairing of Anthony and Huma Abedin. I find it kinda cute that Anthony Weiner, a Jew, and Huma Abedin, a muslim, ended up together, hehe. Unfortunately, not so much a fairytale pairing now that his many, many, many indiscretions has been exposed. And the poor woman is reportedly pregnant with their first child.

Sigh. Can man NOT philander?