Monday, August 6, 2012

gosh, i'm suffering from F1 withdrawal....

I am feeling so bummed. The Spa race can't come fast enough. Man, there's still a ways to go considering we're not into the double digits of August.

Further compounding my mental state is the fact that work has been non-stop stress for the past 2 months - I seriously don't think my nerves can take anymore of it. I have a 2 week holiday upcoming and the way things are looking right about now, I'm most likely going to have to remain connected during my time off. My flight homeard bound is early saturday morning. I'll likely have the weekend as a reprieve but come the start of the working week, will most surely need to be attached at the hip with my Blackberry. Technology really sucks in times like this! There's just no excuse to go off the grid!

At least there's an epi of Deadliest Catch this week. One of their "behind-the-scenes" show. Along with another episode of Hillstranded - yay for some extra Hillstrand viewing time! I dunno if this means anything or nothing but I noticed Andy Hillstrand has not been wearing his wedding ring. Since sometime last year, roundabout August/September 2011 I guess. Lol, well, I actually noticed he was sans ring when I watched an ep of DC this season and I was like, "Woah, where's his wedding ring?" but didn't read much into it. Then I was looking at some DC-related forum and someone actually brought it up which rekindled my curiosity. So I actually went on a hunt to figure out what, if anything, happened there. Nothing real concrete. He had a pic up on his twitter page back in July with his wife, ring and all. Then a pic taken in August when he was on the tour in Australia showed he wasn't wearing his ring. Also, I remember reading an interview he did with some New Zealand paper when he was on tour down under and he said, what I thought then (and even now), to be a rather odd thing. Hang on, lemme try to find the article.....ooh, ok, here is the part I found weird:

Hillstrand has been married to his wife Sabrina for 27 years, though he admits that being away half of the time probably means it's closer to 13 1/2 years.

It's tough," he says of the time spent apart from his wife and two daughters.

"Anyone who tells you it's not tough is lying. A lot of the guys are divorced and remarried. It's hard to stay married when you're gone all the time. But I got a good woman, I guess."

Why would you end it with an "I guess"? At the time I read it last year, I thought it was rather an off qualifier to the sentence - didn't sound particularly convincing nor did it become a particularly flattering statement. Then when I noticed the absence of his ring, I looked up the article again and re-read tha part and seemed to read more into the "I guess" the second time around. But, I guess (hehe), I could be making mountains out of molehills. Andy Hillstrand could just simply be saying, "I guess".

Well, if I'm speculating already, I also think there's something off with Kimi and his marriage. I mean, he's a racing driver who spends 85% of his time away from home yet when he has time off, I don't see him spending it with his wife. Pictures of him holidaying with his friends are aplenty with no Jenni in sight, where is the time he spends with Jenni? She certainly doesn't follow him racing anymore. I think the last time I saw them out together publicly was in 2008 when Kimi was being honoured at some Finnish event. And he at least used to wear his ring when he wasn't racing but I don't see him with it at all now.

But it's all pure observation, not really saying anything about anything. And on that note, I'm going to stop babbling now :)