Thursday, August 30, 2012

full disclosure

I have constant butterflies in my tummy and I feel like peeing in my pants! TMI? :D

F1 IS BACK! It's SPA-FRANCORCHAMPS this weekend!

I don't want to get too excited lest I am completely downtrodden and disappointed come Monday morning but I'm just so happy, ecstatic, excited, elated that we are going racing again and it's Kimi's best circuit. Now, of course, I am trying to temper the expectations. So many things are coming into play with the weather being a worrying factor as much as the updates other teams have brought. I'm hoping whatever new thingamabobs are added on/attached to the E-20, it will propel Kimi to the front of the pack, allow him to stay there so he can be get his fifth win at SPA. Is this really too much to ask for?!?!?!?

Ok, muahs, off to stalk Planet F1 forum :D