Sunday, February 6, 2011

and let the february shopping begin!

I kept my word and didn't buy anything for myself after my lil JewelMint escapade - small miracle :) but now let the February shopping madness commence!

Ok, first I just wanna lay it out there that even though I did not get anything for myself at the tail end of January but I did help out a few of my colleagues who wanted some fragrances from Strawberrynet as the eTailer was having a blowout V-Day sale. From that haul, I only got a CK One Summer 100ml fragrance which I'm gifting to my former roomie for her birthday. So I still insist that I have kept my word in not buying anything else for myself.

And after that long-winded, unnecessary defensive confession, let me get into the item that has started the shopping ball rolling for February. I was doing my usual browsing on when I saw a CTA Wii accessories sale going on and they had a dual docking charge station for the Wiimote going for the bargain price of $10 with FREE SHIPPING. I was all in when I saw FREE SHIPPING.

Lol, I know, a none too exciting first buy but it's something I've been meaning to get. I had already bought one last year but when my sisters house got robbed during CNY, all my new Wii accessories I had just purchased from eBay were taken as well. I had asked my did to test out the stuff with her Wii and since they were taking the console, I guess they figured they might as well take the accessories as well.

Anyways, that's the first buy of the month though technically the item hasn't been charged to me yet as the estimated delivery date is only mid-month. Another thing I got was an iTunes gift card worth 50 bucks and from that I'm only let with a lil over 8 bucks :) Yes, been going nuts at the app store. I am now the owner of a bunch of EA hasbro games and Hoarding productivity apps - I bought the QuickOffice Connect Mobile Suite AND Apple's Numbers as well as Keynotes. I'm trying to see how far I can stretch the boundaries of this iPad :)

And that's all the techie shopping I have done thus far. Never fear though cos I have a feeling I'll be back with more shopping escapades soonish. There's a NYX cosmetics event coming up on Haute Look and that'll be the perfect time to test out if HL is a go or no go. As usual, am waiting for AMEX's billing cycle to close first before I inflict more damage unto it so till then.....